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Codey Applauds Corzine Signing Of New Jersey Economic Stimulus Act

NEWARK – Senate President Richard J. Codey, D-Essex, issued the following statement today regarding Governor Corzine’s signing of S-2299, the “New Jersey Economic Stimulus Act of 2009”:

“During the worst economic crisis in generations, Governor Corzine and his partners in the New Jersey Legislature have consistently shown the leadership needed to make true economic recovery and stimulus a reality.

“We were the first in the nation to adopt an economic recovery package which supported struggling mid-sized employers, promoted investment in our communities, provided a helping hand to the most vulnerable and created a new job incentive program which has been an overwhelming success.

“We created a tax amnesty program to allow delinquent taxpayers – many of which were corporate taxpayers – to settle up and wipe the slate clean. This program has resulted in a $600 million net gain in State revenues and allowed corporations to avoid costly penalties and fees.

“And today, Governor Corzine is signing a comprehensive bill entitled the ‘New Jersey Economic Stimulus Act of 2009,’ designed to jump-start our economy.

“This new law will eliminate development fees on businesses seeking to expand in the Garden State. It will create new opportunities for public-private partnerships and encourage municipal redevelopment in some of our most run-down urban centers. And it will invest millions in real affordable housing for New Jersey’s citizens.

“I would like to thank Senator (Ray) Lesniak and Speaker (Joe) Roberts for pushing hard in the State Legislature to make this bill a reality. Throughout the process, they remained open to working with any and all parties to create new and lasting economic opportunities for the State of New Jersey.

“And I’d like to thank Governor Corzine for continuing to show the vision, commitment and leadership to get our State on the right track, creating new jobs and encouraging new investment in our communities.

“We still have more to do to turn New Jersey’s economy around and put our State in a better position once the national recession subsides. But with partners like these, and legislation like the Economic Stimulus Act, we will see many brighter tomorrows ahead for the Garden State.”

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