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Codey/Roberts Choose Disticts 14 & 37 For 2007 Clean Elections Program

TRENTON – Senate President Richard J. Codey and Assembly Speaker Joseph J. Roberts Jr. today announced that they have selected the 14th and 37th legislative districts for inclusion in the Clean Elections public financing program for the 2007 elections.

Codey (D-Essex) and Roberts (D-Camden) said they selected the District 14 as their “split district” designee primarily because its two resident Assembly members – Linda Greenstein (D-Plainsboro) and Bill Baroni (R-Hamilton) – have tremendous familiarity and appreciation of the Clean Elections process. Greenstein and Baroni both served on the New Jersey Citizens’ Clean Elections Commission, both were part of the four-member bipartisan working group that crafted the Clean Elections reauthorization legislation, and both were sponsors of the resulting bill.

Codey and Roberts said they chose District 37 as their Democrat-controlled district because the district’s incumbent lawmakers have long championed campaign finance reform and the Bergen County Democratic organization urged the district’s inclusion in the program.

“By building upon the lessons of the 2005 project, it is our hope that this year’s program will further pave the way for expanded public financing of legislative campaigns in New Jersey,” Codey and Roberts wrote in a letter to Jerry Fitzgerald English, chairwoman of the state Election Law Enforcement Commission which is charged with overseeing the campaign finance reform program.

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