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Coniglio/Doria Bill to Establish Prevaling Wage Standards for State Buildings Service Contracts Passes Committee

TRENTON – Senators Joseph Coniglio and Joseph Doria welcomed committee approval of their bill that would establish prevailing wage rates for workers employed by contractors performing building services for State run facilities.

“New Jersey should not do business with companies that inflate their profits by underpaying their employees,” said Senator Coniglio, D-Bergen. “By requiring State building services contracts be fulfilled by workers making the prevailing wage, these companies will no longer be able to benefit from paying their workers less than fair wages.”

The bill, S-2702, would require each State contract for building services to state the required prevailing wage and stipulate that workers cannot be paid less than the stated wage rate.

“Those contractors who do the right thing and pay their employees a decent wage should not be put at a disadvantage when bidding for State contracts,” said Senator Doria (D-Hudson). “Companies who hire workers for less than the prevailing wage can easily underbid those responsible companies that recognize their employees should be paid a respectable wage. This bill will level the playing field.”

The bill also would require the contract to include annual adjustments of the prevailing wage during the term of the contract and provide that if workers are paid less than the wage rate, the State may terminate the contractor or subcontractor’s right to proceed with the work.

The building services covered by the bill would include cleaning or building maintenance work, sweeping, vacuuming, floor cleaning, cleaning of rest rooms, collecting refuse or trash, window cleaning, engineering, securing, patrolling, or other work in connection with the care, securing or maintenance of an existing building.

The bill was approved by the Senate Labor Committee by a vote of 4-0. It now goes to the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee.

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