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Don’t rethink school funding cuts. Help districts cope | Editorial


Editorial Board | April 28, 2019 | Star-Ledger |

We feel the pain of those school districts that are losing state aid next year and face the grim prospect of laying off teachers and other staff. Their recent protests underscore the need to find ways to help them adapt, to limit the damage.

But they are dead wrong to try to reverse the sensible agreement struck by Senate President Steve Sweeney and Gov. Phil Murphy. Their plan increases total state aid to schools, and brings greater fairness and rationality. Those districts that will lose money were getting more than their fair share, thanks to political meddling.

The overall boost amounts to more than $206 million, a big win after state funding was frozen for years under former Gov. Chris Christie. Murphy and Sweeney are putting us on the path to full funding by about 2025, which will help both students and property tax payers.

Read the full story from the Star-Ledger