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Senator Madden On The ‘State Of The State’

TRENTON – Senator Fred H. Madden, D-Camden and Gloucester, and Chair of the Senate Labor Committee today released the following statement regarding Governor Corzine’s State of the State Address:

“I think that today’s message will give residents a good idea of some of the tough decisions we have to make on their behalf. Around the country, people are losing their jobs and losing their homes, and it is in times like this that the true leadership qualities of their elected officials are tested.

“Governor Corzine gave a relatively positive outlook for 2009, and noted that we as a State will continue to provide necessary services to the residents who rely on them, even in these tough fiscal times.

“The speech also highlighted the fact that the State’s unemployment is below the national average, and that the Governor and his cabinet are committed to creating more jobs, and encouraging homegrown businesses to hire and retain more New Jersey workers.

“The reality of the current economic climate is that it will undoubtedly get worse before it gets better. However, the people of New Jersey can rest assured that the Governor, the Legislature, and all of us who represent their interests here in Trenton are working to ensure that the blow to their pockets is lessened.”


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