Requires Registration, Accreditation of Milk Banks Providing Milk to NJ TRENTON – Legislation sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Loretta…
TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senator Jim Whelan which would allow boat manufacturers in New Jersey to qualify for State-backed loans to transition into the renewable energy industry was approved by the Senate today by a vote of 37-0.
“New Jersey’s green energy sector is on the rise, and many existing manufacturers are looking to transition to the renewable energy industry,” said Senator Whelan, D-Atlantic. “When it comes to wind energy, our State’s boat manufacturers are uniquely positioned to easily make the jump to manufacturing wind energy harvesting equipment and wind turbines. This bill creates an incentive to help them make the leap from boat manufacturing to renewable energy, and ensures that, as demand grows for renewable energy equipment, that such equipment is being manufactured right here in New Jersey.”
TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senator Jim Whelan which would allow boat manufacturers in New Jersey to qualify for State-backed loans to transition into the renewable energy industry was unanimously approved today by the Senate Economic Growth Committee.
“New Jersey’s green energy industry is growing, and many manufacturers are looking to make the jump into the renewable energy sector,” said Senator Whelan. “Particularly when it comes to wind energy, boat manufacturers could very easily transition their factories and employees to take part in the expanding demand for renewable energy equipment. This bill would allow our State’s boat manufacturing industry to diversify and remain relevant in the 21st century economy.”
TRENTON – Senator Jim Whelan today announced he will introduce a package of bills to encourage and assist New Jersey boat builders who have been hard-hit by the economic recession in making the transition to manufacture parts for windmills. The package of bills came from ideas submitted during a roundtable discussion held last month with members from the boat building community at the Egg Harbor City Hall.
“The economic downturn has hit many industries throughout New Jersey hard and the boat builders are no exception,” Senator Whelan (D-Atlantic) said. “Boatyards throughout Atlantic County and the entire New Jersey coastline are sitting vacant and we have an opportunity to utilize these businesses and to restore and create new jobs. By transitioning many of the businesses into manufacturers of renewable energy equipment such as windmills, we can encourage job growth in a cutting-edge industry. These bills would provide the needed incentives and resources for our regional boat builders to partner with the energy industry.