TRENTON – Legislation sponsored by Senator Joseph F. Vitale and Senate President Steve Sweeney that would extend unemployment insurance benefits…
TRENTON – A measure sponsored by Senators Fred H. Madden and Ellen Karcher that would create the “Domestic Violence and Workforce Development Initiative Act,” to help prevent domestic violence by increasing awareness and job availability was unanimously approved today by the full Senate.
“A lack of self-sufficiency is one of the main reasons domestic abuse is allowed to continue; victims believe that they have no where else to turn,” said Senator Madden, D-Camden and Gloucester. “By training workforce development counselors how to better deal with victims of domestic violence, they would be able to help encourage them to leave their abusive situations.”
TRENTON – A measure sponsored by Senators Fred H. Madden and Ellen Karcher that would create “The Domestic Violence and Workforce Development Initiative Act,” and require the State’s workforce development counselors to be trained to address the needs of domestic violence victims was approved today by the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee.
“Domestic violence is a very real problem – a problem that can be made worse if a victim feels that he or she is helpless and trapped in a bad situation because of a lack of employment,” said Senator Madden, D-Camden and Gloucester. “By requiring workforce development counselors and unemployment officers to undergo this training, they would be able to help empower victims of domestic violence to move forward and change their lives for the better.”
TRENTON – A measure sponsored by Senators Fred H. Madden and Ellen Karcher that would create “The Domestic Violence and Workforce Development Initiative Act,” and require the State’s workforce development counselors to be trained to address the needs of domestic violence victims was approved today by the Senate Labor Committee.
“The issue of domestic violence prevention is so important because of the huge impact it has on the families it affects,” said Senator Madden, D-Camden and Gloucester. “Preparing workforce development and unemployment counselors to deal with the needs of domestic violence victims will provide them with the encouragement to seek refuge while working for self-sufficiency.”