
14 Dec: Weinberg-Vitale Bill To Increase Predictability In Medical Malpractice Insurance Advances In Committee

TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senators Loretta Weinberg and Joseph F. Vitale which would create more predictability in New Jersey’s volatile medical malpractice liability insurance industry and ease pressures on high-risk health care specialties was unanimously approved by the Senate Commerce Committee today.

“New Jersey’s dedicated health care professionals deserve a level of predictability that just isn’t there right now when it comes to medical malpractice liability insurance,” said Senator Weinberg, D-Bergen, and Vice Chairwoman of the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee. “The current regulatory structure just isn’t sufficient to allow health care providers to plan from one year to the next regarding the cost and availability of malpractice insurance. This bill would at least help to bring malpractice insurance rates under some level of control, and balance the stability of the insurance market with the impact that unexpected rate hikes have on the medical community.”

14 Jan: Pair Of Turner Anti-Gang Violence Measures Now Law

TRENTON – Governor Corzine signed a pair of bills into law yesterday sponsored by Senator Shirley K. Turner which will combat street gangs in New Jersey by cracking down on the number of “straw” purchases of handguns and ammunition.

“The people who make straw purchases are just as responsible for gun crime as the gang members who pull the trigger,” said Senator Turner, D-Mercer. “Now the law will reflect the realities we face in ridding our streets of the scourge of gang violence by cracking down on those who purchase handguns and ammo for criminals.”

03 Jan: Turner Anti-Gang Violence Measure Passes Senate

TRENTON – The State Senate today approved legislation sponsored by Senator Turner which builds upon her previous efforts aimed at combating street gangs in New Jersey by cracking down on the number of “straw” purchases of handguns.

“In order to rid our streets of the scourge of street gangs, we must continue to implement new ways in which to get illegal guns off of our streets and keep violent criminals behind bars,” said Senator Turner, D-Mercer. “These criminals are always looking for new ways to avoid getting caught, even going as far as involving those without criminal records in their plans and need to be constantly vigilant in protecting our communities.”

17 Dec: Two Turner Anti-Gang Violence Measures Move Forward In Committee

TRENTON –Senator Turner today welcomed committee approval of two measures which build upon previous efforts aimed at combating street gangs in New Jersey, saying that the two bills “continue our fight to free our communities from the scourge of street gangs.”

“We can’t just close our eyes and wish away street gangs,” said Senator Turner, D-Mercer. “These criminals are always looking for new ways to avoid getting caught, and need to be constantly vigilant in adapting the tools we provide the police as they fight to protect our communities.”

09 Jan: Kenny/ Doria Bill To Aid Helicopter Response Program Receives Final Legislative Approval

TRENTON – Legislation sponsored by Senators Bernard F. Kenny Jr. and Joseph V. Doria Jr., both D-Hudson, to financially support the New Jersey Medevac Helicopter Program and to train new State troopers, received final legislative approval today in the Senate by a vote of 35 to 5.

“The Medevac helicopter program provides a necessary service, and helps save the lives of New Jersey motorists by getting them to the hospitals fast,” said Senator Kenny, Senate Majority Leader. “The State’s Medevac program has been supported by a $1 vehicle registration fee since 1992. Unfortunately, more funding is needed to cover these services and also expand the program to include training for State troopers.”

05 Jan: Kenny/ Doria Bill To Aid Helicopter Response Program

TRENTON – Legislation sponsored by Senators Bernard F. Kenny Jr. and Joseph V. Doria Jr., D-Hudson, to financially support the New Jersey Medevac Helicopter Program and to train new State trooper, was approved today by the full Senate.

“When a terrible accident happens on our State’s highways, it is comforting to know that we are equipped with medical helicopters that can get the injured to the hospital quickly and save lives,” said Senator Kenny, Senate Majority Leader. “We need more funding fort he State’s Medevac Helicopter Program which was established in 1992. The $1 registration fee surcharge has not been enough to cover the operational costs of the program.”