News & Releases

24 Jan: Weinberg Bill To Allow Towns To Set Dog Licensing Fees Is Now Law

TRENTON – A measure sponsored by Senator Loretta Weinberg, which allows municipalities to adopt a local ordinance to set the maximum amount of a yearly dog licensing fee has been signed into law by Governor Corzine.

“The signing of this bill serves as a good example of a group having a concern, bringing forward an idea, and actually getting it done,” said Senator Weinberg, D-Bergen.

23 Jan: Vitale – ‘Atlantic City Council Should Stand By Smoking Ban’

TRENTON – Senator Joseph F. Vitale, a driving force behind the law creating the “New Jersey Smoke-Free Air Act,” which banned smoking in restaurants and bars in the Garden State, issued the following statement regarding reports that an Atlantic City Council ordinance extending the ban on smoking to casinos may be watered down before a vote tomorrow evening.

“Tomorrow night, the Atlantic City Council has the opportunity to close a loophole in our State law banning smoking in indoor workplaces which adversely affects the health and well-being of the thousands of casino employees in the Garden State.

23 Jan: Karcher Opposes Planned Nj Transit Fare Hike

TRENTON – Senator Ellen Karcher, D-Monmouth and Mercer, a member of the Senate Transportation Committee, issued the following statement today on announced plans to increase NJ Transit fares on buses and trains by 10 percent, beginning June 1, to raise $60 million to cover the costs for new services:

“The planned fare hike on NJ Transit customers is the absolute last thing that should be considered, particularly at a time when New Jersey families are being squeezed by skyrocketing property taxes and face some of highest cost-of-living expenses in the nation. With the proven impact of greenhouse gas emissions on global warming, we should be doing all we can to draw riders to mass transit, not turn them away.

22 Jan: Senate Democrats Crack Down On Public Corruption

TRENTON – The Senate today unanimously approved a bill, S-14, crafted by Senator John H. Adler , to impose mandatory prison terms, fines of up to $200,000 and loss of pensions for all public officials convicted of a wide-ranging list of corruption offenses.

“This vote represents our choice to stand up for taxpayers and against corruption,” said Senator Adler, D-Cherry Hill. “The choice was clear.”

22 Jan: Kenny Urges Senate Republicans To Rally Their Own Locals

TRENTON – Senate Majority Leader Bernard F. Kenny Jr. today said Senate Republicans should “rally their own local municipalities” to adopt pay-to-play ordinances instead of pushing for a statewide mandate on the issue.

“With all due respect to Senator (Leonard) Lance (the Senate Minority Leader), there’s almost 50 municipalities in his district (23) and only one or two, if that, have adopted local pay-to-play ordinances,” said Senator Kenny. “That’s hardly a groundswell.”

22 Jan: Smith Consolidation Commission Measure Approved By Senate

TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senator Bob Smith which would establish a municipal consolidation commission to recommend mergers and shared services in order to cut the cost of government in New Jersey was approved by the Senate today by a vote of 35 -2.

“In New Jersey, we have more government than we can afford, and tiny fiefdoms serving minimal people only drive up our property taxes higher and higher,” said Senator Smith, D-Middlesex and Somerset, the co-chair of a panel to review regionalization and shared services during the Legislature’s Special Session. “We need a panel of planning experts, who will be able to light the path towards cost savings from shared services and municipal consolidation. This bill will ensure that New Jersey adapts to the changing needs of our people, and operates at the highest level of efficiency.”

22 Jan: Nj Legislature Honors Rutgers’ Outstanding Football Season

TRENTON – On behalf of the entire New Jersey Legislature, Senate President Richard J. Codey (D-Essex) today presented the football team of Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, with a joint ceremonial resolution to commemorate their remarkable achievements during the 2006 football season. The resolution, sponsored by Sen. Codey, Assemblyman John McKeon and Assemblyman Mims Hackett, lauded the Scarlet Knights for their 11-2 season and first bowl championship.

“This year the Rutgers football team managed to surpass all of our wildest expectations and galvanize the entire state with some nail-biting, hard fought victories. They brought national attention to our state and were a huge source of pride for all of us. In honor of all their successes, and what are sure to be many more in the coming years, we are proud to salute them with this resolution,” said Senate President Richard J. Codey.

22 Jan: Madden/Sweeney Measure Requiring Bus Drivers To Check Buses For Students After Their Routes Clears Assembly Education Panel

TRENTON – A measure sponsored by Senators Fred H. Madden and Steve Sweeney which would require school bus drivers to visually inspect buses for students after completing each transportation route was unanimously (8-0) approved today by the Assembly Education Committee.

“Bus drivers are charged with the responsibility of transporting our children to and from school, and we depend on the drivers to keep our children safe,” said Senator Madden, D-Camden and Gloucester. “Checking for students at the end of bus routes is something that would only take drivers a few minutes, but could prevent injury and potentially save lives. It’s all about taking preventative measures to protect our kids.”

22 Jan: Smith Bill To Enhance State’s Recycling Effort Of Plastic Containers Advances In Assembly

TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senator Bob Smith which would require a higher recycling standard for plastic packaging sold in New Jersey to promote recycling, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and decrease our dependence on foreign oil was approved today by the Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee today by a vote of 4-2, with one abstention.

“Global warming is a proven scientific phenomenon, aggravated by our increased dependence on the production of petroleum products, like plastics,” said Senator Smith, D-Middlesex and Somerset, the Chairman of the Senate Environment Committee. “Without a greater emphasis on the re-use and recycling of plastics, we will continue feeding into the global warming problem in New Jersey.”

22 Jan: Scutari Bill To Expand ”no Fault” Divorce Becomes Law

TRENTON – Legislation sponsored by Senator Nicholas P. Scutari to amend current divorce laws and protect the privacy of divorcing couples became law today.

“The end of a marriage is always a sad and difficult occasion, and our legal system should not be compounding that burden,” said Senator Scutari, D-Middlesex, Somerset, and Union. “By establishing ‘irreconcilable differences’ as grounds for divorce, we will allow couples to move forward with their lives in a civil and amicable fashion, without undue emotional stress and anguish.”