Sandra Cunningham

Senator Sandra Cunningham, D-Hudson, looks on as the Senate votes on legislation.

25 Jan: Cunningham Statement On UMDNJ Committee Report

TRENTON – Senator Sandra Bolden Cunningham (D-Hudson), Chairwoman of the Senate Higher Education Committee, released the following statement today in response to the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Advisory Committee report:

“University Hospital is a vital part of North Jersey’s communities. I am pleased that this hospital will stay a fixture of Newark and am hopeful that the UMDNJ Advisory Committee’s intentions are to maintain the current level of services provided by University Hospital for the residents of the region. It is imperative that we approach these changes with caution so that we do not sacrifice either the quality health care for the patients of University Hospital or the educational experiences for the health care and medical students of Newark.

23 Jan: Lesniak And Cunningham Announce Efforts To Reform Criminal Justice System In New Jersey

TRENTON – At a news conference at the Statehouse today, Senators Raymond J. Lesniak and Sandra Bolden Cunningham and criminal justice advocates announced the introduction of a comprehensive package of bills sponsored by the Senators to create a pathway to reform of New Jersey’s criminal justice system and rehabilitation for criminal offenders.

“As a nation that imprisons more of its residents per capita than any country in the world, we should continually evaluate our penal justice system to determine if our current policies provide protection for the safety of our residents and are cost-effective, or if changes are needed,” said Senator Lesniak, D-Union. “The four bills we are announcing today are designed to reduce waste and inefficiency in our criminal justice system and redirect resources to better protect the public by reducing repeat offenses. We have asked that these bills be moved in both houses prior to the budget break, so we can get on with changing our criminal justice system to make it more cost effective and to provide better safety to our residents.”

“This is a matter of fairness and fiscal sense for nonviolent offenders currently serving in the criminal justice system, and a matter of public safety for the rest of the State of New Jersey,” said Senator Cunningham, D-Hudson. “Under the current system, nonviolent offenders are warehoused with violent offenders, and often learn to become better criminals, rather than receive treatment for substance abuse that they so desperately need. These four bills will ensure that we direct our corrections spending to make a difference in the lives of nonviolent offenders, and that we ensure access to a job and the opportunity to support themselves upon release.”

A view of the Senate Chambers from the 2010-2011 Senate Reorganization.

20 Jan: MEDIA ADVISORY – Lesniak And Cunningham To Hold News Conference On Criminal Justice Reform Monday

TRENTON – On Monday, Senators Raymond J. Lesniak and Sandra Bolden Cunningham and criminal justice advocates will hold a news conference in the Statehouse to announce a comprehensive package of bills sponsored by the Senators to create a pathway to reform of New Jersey’s criminal justice system and rehabilitation for criminal offenders.

“We have to honest about our current criminal justice system – it just doesn’t work when it comes to stopping repeated criminal acts,” said Senator Lesniak, D-Union. “The current system of incarceration and release from prison serves to breed more crime, while marginalizing offenders and denying them a second chance at being productive, law-abiding citizens. These four bills address the failings of the current criminal justice system, and will make our corrections budget smarter, so that we’re actually helping people make amends, turn the corner, and get on with their lives without going back, as is too often the case under our current policies.”

Senator Sandra Cunningham, D-Hudson, looks on as the Senate votes on legislation.

13 Jan: Cunningham To Chair Newly-Formed Higher Education Panel

TRENTON – Senator Sandra Bolden Cunningham has been named as the first Chairwoman of the new Senate Higher Education Committee, which will focus exclusively on issues of importance to the state’s colleges and universities; those matters had previously been considered by the broader Senate Education Committee.

“Educating our young is one of government’s most sacred and important obligations, and it doesn’t end when our children graduate from high school,” said Senator Cunningham (D-Hudson). “We must ensure future generations have the tools and training needed to be successful in today’s world, and a good education is the foundation for future success.

Senators Ronald L. Rice, D-Essex, and Sandra Cunningham, D-Hudson, speak about legislation on the floor of the Senate

08 Dec: Rice-Cunningham Bill To Lay Out Responsible Contractor Requirements For Weatherization Program Advances

TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senators Ronald L. Rice and Sandra Bolden Cunningham which would codify responsible contractor requirements to ensure against waste and abuse in the State’s Weatherization Assistance Program for homeowners was approved today by the Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.

“New Jersey’s weatherization assistance program is a win-win, allowing low-income homeowners an opportunity to make their homes energy and heat-efficient while giving low-income individuals in distressed communities – oftentimes minorities – an opportunity to learn a new trade and earn a living,” said Senator Rice, D-Essex. “However, while New Jersey has lived up to the first goal of the weatherization program, we haven’t done enough in the job training and employment aspects of the program. This bill would make sure that we get back on track when it comes to the intent of the weatherization program, which is to help people prepare for cold weather and to put New Jersey residents back to work.”

A view of the Senate Chambers from the 2010-2011 Senate Reorganization.

08 Dec: Lesniak-Cunningham Bill To Help Ex-Offenders Find Employment Passes Law And Public Safety Committee

TRENTON – Legislation sponsored by Senators Raymond J. Lesniak and Sandra Bolden Cunningham that would aid certain ex-offenders in gaining employment was approved unanimously today by the Senate Law and Public Safety Committee.

“Releasing prisoners into a society that places unnecessary roadblocks to employment increases the chances they will be back in prison sooner or later,” said Senator Lesniak (D-Union). “It is time we remove the archaic prohibition on any employment by an ex-offender in an establishment holding a liquor license. Reducing the rate of recidivism not only saves the cost of imprisonment, it also makes for safer neighborhoods in our communities.”

12 Jul: Lesniak-Whelan-Cunningham Disappointed Republicans Failed To Support Valuable After-School Programs

TRENTON – Senators Raymond J. Lesniak, Jim Whelan and Sandra Bolden Cunningham expressed disbelief today that Senate Republicans voted in lock-step against resolutions designed to restore after-school programs for children in need throughout New Jersey.

“Governor Christie’s cutting After 3 school programs targets his wrath on working single parent mothers who struggle every day to make ends meet,” said Senator Lesniak, D-Union. “The After 3 program also protects at risk children from gangs, drugs and violence. Ending After 3 makes no sense, is irresponsible and cruel.”

28 Apr: Cunningham-Whelan Sponsor Resolution Honoring St. Anthony High School Basketball

TRENTON – Senators Sandra Bolden Cunningham and Jim Whelan today sponsored a ceremonial resolution on the floor of the State Senate to honor St. Anthony High School’s basketball team for capturing its 24th state championship and fourth national title under Coach Bob Hurley.

“Coach Hurley has made a difference in the lives of so many young people in Jersey City and the surrounding communities over the years, and his hard work and dedication have certainly paid off,” said Senator Cunningham, D-Hudson. “We’re proud of the reputation that St. Anthony High School has deserved on both the State and national stage for boy’s basketball, and we wish Coach Hurley and his champion Friars continued success in the years ahead.”

“I’ve been lucky enough to call Coach Hurley a friend for many years and have helped the St. Anthony team find practice space whenever they’ve played in tournaments down in Atlantic City,” said Senator Whelan, D-Atlantic. “Coach Hurley has successfully built one of the most dominant basketball dynasties in New Jersey history, and has had players go on to play in elite college programs and the NBA. This is in no small part due to the values of teamwork and discipline instilled by Coach Hurley at St. Anthony.”

04 Mar: Lesniak-Cunningham Bill To Provide Treatment, Recovery Alternative To Incarceration Approved

TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senators Raymond J. Lesniak and Sandra Bolden Cunningham which would allow inmates dealing with substance abuse issues to “earn their way out” of incarceration by completing a rigorous substance abuse treatment and recovery program was unanimously approved by the Senate Law and Public Safety Committee yesterday.

“Through this legislation, we can empower drug offenders and inmates battling addiction to break the cycle of addiction and crime, and reclaim their lives and freedom,” said Senator Lesniak, D-Union. “It makes far more sense to spend existing Corrections dollars to reduce recidivism and address one of the root causes behind crime, rather than just keeping people behind bars. This bill focuses State resources away from incarceration and towards real rehabilitation for offenders whose crimes are motivated primarily by drug and alcohol addiction.”

A view of the Senate Chambers from the 2010-2011 Senate Reorganization.

18 Feb: Codey/Cunningham Bill To Establish Assisted Living Facility & Comprehensive Personal Care Home Resident Rights Clears Senate

TRENTON – Legislation sponsored by Senators Richard J. Codey (D-Essex) and Sandra Bolden Cunningham (D-Hudson) that would establish assisted living facility and comprehensive personal care home resident rights has been approved by the full Senate.

“More seniors today are living in settings other than nursing homes and it is important that we ensure they are given complete protection and rights under the law,” said Codey. “Far too many of these individuals become victims because they do not know their rights, or none have been established for them. This legislation will change that and afford them the protection they deserve.”

“Statistics show that millions of Americans over age 65 have been injured, exploited or otherwise mistreated by someone on whom they depended for care or protection. That is simply unacceptable. It is time that all of our seniors are treated with the respect and protection under the law that they deserve,” said Cunningham.