Steve Sweeney

27 Sep: Sweneey/Madden Bill To Make $45.15 Million Available For Farmland Preservation Is Now Law

TRENTON – A measure sponsored by Senators Steve Sweeney and Fred H. Madden, which appropriates over $45.2 million from the Garden State Farmland Preservation Trust Fund (GSFPT) , to be used for farmland preservation has been signed into law by Governor Jon Corzine.

“New Jersey’s farmers work hard to grow exceptional produce that is not just enjoyed here in New Jersey, but also around the world,” said Senator Sweeney, D-Gloucester, Cumberland and Salem. “This appropriation will help cover the cost of development and preservation for farmland throughout the state.”

26 Sep: Sweeney Bills To Improve Employer-Employee Relations And To Help Control Animal Overpopulation Approved In Committee

TRENTON – Two pieces of legislation sponsored by State Senator Stephen M. Sweeney have been released from committee.

S-1798 which concerns rights of Delaware River Port Authority employees was approved by the Senate Transportation Committee and is on its way to the full Senate for a vote.

This bill provides that, upon the explicit legislative concurrence of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, employees of the DRPA shall be subject to the provisions of the “New Jersey Employer-Employee Relations Act,” and shall have all of the rights provided to employees by that act, including, the right to form, join or assist an employee organization, and the right to have that employee organization engage in collective bargaining on behalf of the employees.

31 Jul: Sweeney Measure To Permit The Appropriation Of $200 Million For Land Preservation Is Now Law

TRENTON – A measure sponsored by Senator Steve Sweeney which appropriates $200 million in bond funding from the State to cover the cost of acquiring and developing land for farmland and historic preservation projects throughout New Jersey was signed into law today by Governor Jon Corzine.

“As New Jersey’s population continues to grow, so will the amount of space needed to house all of its residents,” said Senator Sweeney, D-Gloucester, Cumberland and Salem. “This funding will allow towns around the State to conserve necessary open space and historic properties so that future generations will be have access to some of the State’s most valuable resources. While development is absolutely necessary, it cannot consume all of the State’s open space.”

24 Jul: Senator Sweeney On The Federal Minimum Wage Increase

THOROFARE – Senator Steve Sweeney, D-Gloucester, Cumberland and Salem, who chairs the Senate Labor Committee, released the following statement regarding today’s 70-cent increase in the federal minimum wage, from $5.15 to $5.85:

“This increase on the federal level is the first of its kind in over a decade, and I’m sure that workers nationwide are welcoming the increase in their paychecks. I think the Federal government saw that the previous amount of $5.15 wasn’t taking into consideration the increased costs of living, and raised the minimum wage to an amount that is a little more reflective of what is needed to cover the costs of raising a family in today’s world.

13 Jul: Sweeney: It’s Up To The State To Ensure That Temperature Conditions Are Bearable At State Facilities

NATIONAL PARK – Senator Steve Sweeney, D-Gloucester, Cumberland and Salem released the following statement today regarding a police report issued in National Park, Gloucester County, on Monday stating that temperatures inside the Shady Oaks Rest Home reached as high as 89 degrees. The report was issued less than two weeks after State officials found temperatures in the facility in the 90’s.

“The high temperatures inside Shady Oaks are inexcusable. Yesterday’s police report listed the temperature inside the home as a sweltering 89 degrees – only six degrees cooler than the outside temperature.

21 Jun: Sweeney-Doria-Turner Bill Allowing Public Entities To Develop Wireless Broadband Infrastructure Receives Senate Approval

TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senators Steve Sweeney, Joseph Doria and Shirley Turner which would authorize local entities to develop wireless broadband infrastructure and contract with private Internet service providers to establish wireless community networks was approved by the Senate today by a vote of 37-0, and is scheduled for a vote in the Assembly later today.

“In today’s world, web access is not a luxury, but a necessity,” said Senator Sweeney, D-Gloucester, Cumberland and Salem. “Between paying bills electronically, performing academic research, or keeping in touch with family and friends, the Internet has changed the way we perform so many everyday activities. All New Jerseyans deserve access to broadband Internet access, regardless of their income or where they live.”

21 Jun: Sweeney/Madden Measure To Make Gps Tracking Of Sex Offenders Permanent Clears Senate

TRENTON – A measure sponsored by Senators Steve Sweeney and Fred H. Madden which would make permanent the provisions of the “Sex Offender Monitoring Act,” was unanimously approved today by the full Senate.

“Before the inception of the pilot program, there was really no way to monitor released sex offenders, which made it easier for some of them to re-offend,” said Senator Sweeney, D-Gloucester, Cumberland and Salem. “The continuation of this program is absolutely necessary to help law enforcement keep an eye on high-risk sex offenders and their whereabouts.”

14 Jun: Sweeney-Doria-Turner Bill Allowing Public Entities To Develop Wireless Broadband Infrastructure Advances In Committee

TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senators Steve Sweeney, Joseph Doria and Shirley Turner which would authorize local entities to develop wireless broadband infrastructure and contract with private Internet service providers to establish wireless community networks was unanimously approved by the Senate Economic Growth Committee.

“As the World Wide Web has evolved to incorporate more of our day-to-day activities, Internet service is quickly becoming a necessity, not a luxury,” said Senator Sweeney, D-Gloucester, Cumberland and Salem. “With a mouse click, you can pay your bills, reach out to elected representatives, perform academic research, and keep in touch with friends and family. By ensuring easy access to Internet service for New Jersey families through a municipal, county or regional wireless network, we’re taking a vital next step in the advancement of home computing.”

14 Jun: Sweeney/Madden Bill To Make Gps Tracking Of Sex Offenders Permanent Clears Senate Budget And Appropriations Committee

TRENTON – A measure sponsored by Senators Steve Sweeney and Fred H. Madden which would make permanent the provisions of the “Sex Offender Monitoring Act,” was unanimously approved today by the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee.

“Enacting this bill would put a permanent stamp of approval on a program that has already proven to be both necessary and successful,” said Senator Sweeney, D-Gloucester, Cumberland and Salem. “This bill would continue the work the pilot program started to help keep our children safe as they travel to and from school and as they play at parks and around their neighborhoods.”