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Press Room

Senate Approves Bryant’s ‘New Jersey Baseball Spectator Safety Act Of 2005″

TRENTON – A measure sponsored by Senator Wayne R. Bryant that would help protect baseball team owners from civil lawsuits filed by injured spectators hit by balls was approved today by the Senate.

“All adults should know the basic safety precautions to take at any sporting event,” said Senator Bryant, D-Camden and Gloucester. “To me it is common sense that if you are at a baseball game, or any sporting event for that matter, you should be aware of your surroundings. Patrons must understand that it is their responsibility to be alert.”

Kenny Bill Advances To Help Drug Offenders Drive While They Rehab

TRENTON – A bill, sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Bernard F. Kenny Jr., to allow convicted drug offenders to keep driving so they can keep their jobs or find new employment was approved today by the Senate.

“This bill will help drug offenders to pursue rehabilitation through employment,” said Senator Kenny, D-Hudson. “Everyone deserves a second chance and this bill is needed to help drug offenders keep working to help straighten out their lives.”

Vitale on Signing of Charitable Immunity Reform

TRENTON – Senator Joseph F. Vitale, D-Middlesex, the prime sponsor of legislation to remove the legal protection for charities that negligently put children in harm’s way by harboring sexual predators, issued the following statement today on Governor Codey signing the bill into law:

“With a signature, we are finally able to bring justice to those who have had to suffer from the shame and mental anguish of sexual abuse because a charitable organization negligently turned a blind eye on the predators in their midst.

Karcher-Morgan-Panter Suicide Prevention Bill Advances

TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senator Ellen Karcher and Assemblymen Bob Morgan and Mike Panter which would require the State Board of Education to include two hours of instruction in suicide prevention as part of the professional development requirement for teaching staff was approved today by the Senate by a vote of 39-0.

“Right now, suicide is the third leading killer of teenagers, but through education and outreach, we can change that,” said Senator Karcher, D-Monmouth and Mercer. “Just like any other disease, if suicidal feelings are recognized early enough, the fatality rate can be undercut through counseling and treatment. By equipping our teachers with the appropriate skills to recognize kids in need, we will be able to help thousands overcome the feelings of low-self worth and hopelessness that feed into suicidal tendencies.”

Madden/Karcher ‘Domestic Violence Workforce Development Act’ Clears Senate

TRENTON – A measure sponsored by Senators Fred H. Madden and Ellen Karcher that would create the “Domestic Violence and Workforce Development Initiative Act,” to help prevent domestic violence by increasing awareness and job availability was unanimously approved today by the full Senate.

“A lack of self-sufficiency is one of the main reasons domestic abuse is allowed to continue; victims believe that they have no where else to turn,” said Senator Madden, D-Camden and Gloucester. “By training workforce development counselors how to better deal with victims of domestic violence, they would be able to help encourage them to leave their abusive situations.”

Karcher Bill To Simplify Striped Bass Rules Approved

TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senator Ellen Karcher which would simplify the State’s rules regarding striped bass fishing was approved today by the Senate by a vote of 38-0.

“New Jersey benefits from having a thriving recreational fishing industry, which lures fishermen from all over the tri-state area to our waters for a good catch,” said Senator Karcher, D-Monmouth and Mercer. “As such, we have to be careful that we don’t deplete our natural resources, which is why we have size limits on stripers in the first place, to ensure that we aren’t taking fish that are necessary for the continued viability of our State’s fisheries. However, rather than breeding more fish, recent regulations have only bred confusion among fishermen, and this legislation is intended to clarify the intent of conservation without bogging sports fishermen down in the red tape of the law.”

Bill To Expand Domestic Partner Rights Approved By Senate

TRENTON – Domestic partners would have the same rights as married couples with respect to inheritances and funeral arrangements under a bill sponsored by Senators John H. Adler and Nia H. Gill that was approved by the Senate today.

“The citizens of the State of New Jersey realize that there are many ways to form a family,” said Senator Adler, D-Cherry Hill and the sponsor of the original bill to create domestic partnerships. “Currently, same-sex couples have no rights when it comes to administering the funeral of a passed partner. It makes little sense to grant this right only to married couples and deny it of domestic partnerships.”

Gill-Vitale-Weinberg Bill Would Require Health Insurers To Cover Up To Age 30 As Dependents Approved

TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senators Nia H. Gill, Joseph F. Vitale and Loretta Weinberg which would require insurers in the State of New Jersey to cover unmarried dependents to still receive health insurance on their parent’s family health plan until the age of 30 was approved by the Senate today by a vote of 36-0.

“In today’s job market, even highly qualified young adults are having trouble finding gainful employment,” said Senator Gill, D-Essex and Passaic, the Chair of the Senate Commerce Committee. “And in some cases, the work they do find does not provide health benefits to entry-level employees. By giving parents the ability to extend coverage for their children until the age of 30, we can ensure that while our kids look for job opportunities, their health is not compromised by a lack of insurance.”

Senate Approves Gill/Adler/Weinberg Measure To Make Small Business Health Insurance More Affordable

TRENTON – The Senate approved legislation today sponsored by Senators Nia H. Gill, John H. Adler and Loretta Weinberg that would reform the individual and small employer health insurance markets, making health insurance policies in these markets more affordable for consumers.

“Time and again, the small business community has cited dramatically rising health care costs as a major hurdle that many businesses are finding difficult to handle,” said Senator Gill, D-Essex and Passaic. “They want to do the right thing and provide health care to their employees, but under the current laws, it can be difficult to qualify for entering the market and then afford the insurance. This bill is a critical step in providing more affordable health insurance for our state’s small business owners.”

Smith Bill Allowing Hiring Preferences For Children Of Police And Firefighters Approved By Senate

TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senator Bob Smith, which would provide a hiring preference for firefighter and law enforcement jobs to children whose parents were killed in the line of duty, was approved by the Senate today.

“Police and firefighters risk their lives every day to protect and save the lives of new Jersey residents,” said Senator Smith, D-Middlesex and Somerset. “We need to make it even easier for the children of fallen officers and firefighters to work in the same field as their parents. “We owe the children of those killed in the line of duty the opportunity to continue the service that their parents provided for our State residents,” added Senator Smith.

Adler-Doria Bill To Spur New Jersey’s Motion Picture Industry Advances

TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senators John H. Adler and Joseph V. Doria which would encourage filmmakers to shoot in New Jersey by offering a tax credit was approved today by the full Senate by a vote of 31-5.

“There are so many benefits to having a movie shot right in our backyards,” said Senator Adler, D-Cherry Hill. “By drawing filmmakers here, and keeping them here for most of their project, we will see greater tourism potential, increased local revenues, and a greater sense of pride in our State.”

Vitale Bill Allowing Minors To Consent To Medical Treatment Approved By Senate

TRENTON – A measure sponsored by Senator Joseph F. Vitale, to clarify minors’ rights to consent to medical treatment for STDs and HIV/AIDS, was approved by the full Senate today.

“Health care providers sometimes have a difficult time providing medical care to minors because the rules about consent can hinder teens from coming forward to receive medical treatment,” said Senator Vitale, Chairman of the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee. “By lowering the minimum age for confidential consent to medical treatment to 13 years old, we are allowing for more minors to feel comfortable getting necessary treatment for sexually transmitted diseases. The bill gives doctors the opportunity to do their job and make New Jerseyans healthy.”

Senate Budget Panel Approves Measure To Expand Heating Assistance Programs

TRENTON -The Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee approved legislation today sponsored by Senators Shirley Turner, Joseph Doria and Wayne Bryant that would increase the amount available annually for grants to households eligible for energy assistance aid.

“As the price of crude oil continues to rise and home heating costs skyrocket, there becomes an increased necessity for the state to assist those in need in heating their homes,” said Senator Turner, D-Mercer. “My office has already received numerous calls this winter from residents seeking aid to help stem the cost of keeping their families warm. Fortunately, we’ve had a mild winter so far, but I am concerned about what will happen when we get into a cold snap.”

Kenny/ Doria Bill To Aid Helicopter Response Program

TRENTON – Legislation sponsored by Senators Bernard F. Kenny Jr. and Joseph V. Doria Jr., D-Hudson, to financially support the New Jersey Medevac Helicopter Program and to train new State trooper, was approved today by the full Senate.

“When a terrible accident happens on our State’s highways, it is comforting to know that we are equipped with medical helicopters that can get the injured to the hospital quickly and save lives,” said Senator Kenny, Senate Majority Leader. “We need more funding fort he State’s Medevac Helicopter Program which was established in 1992. The $1 registration fee surcharge has not been enough to cover the operational costs of the program.”

Coniglio/Doria Bill To Establish Prevailing Wage Standards For State Building Service Contracts Passes Senate Budget Panel

TRENTON – Senators Joseph Coniglio and Joseph Doria welcomed Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee approval of their bill that would establish prevailing wage rates for workers employed by contractors performing building services for State run facilities.

“New Jersey needs to make sure it does right by every individual who works in our buildings, whether they work directly for the State or through a contractor providing services,” said Senator Coniglio, D-Bergen. “By requiring State building services contracts be fulfilled by workers making the prevailing wage, those companies who share this philosophy will no longer be at a disadvantage when competing for state service contracts.”