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Adler – ‘Farber Must Go Now’

Senate Judiciary Chair Says Unethical Behavior Brings into Question Mission of State’s Top Law Enforcer

TRENTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman John H. Adler, D-Cherry Hill, issued the following statement today regarding the report that Attorney General Zulima Farber violated the State’s ethics code when she intervened at a traffic stop on behalf of her boyfriend, Hamlet Goore:

“Today’s report from a special prosecutor, appointed by Governor Corzine to investigate the traffic-stop incident, has shattered hopes that Zulima Farber would raise the office of Attorney General to a level of integrity and excellence that we have a right to expect.

“The report concludes that she violated the State’s ethics code, and breached the public trust.

“Judge (Richard) Williams’ findings in the special prosecutor’s report are damning, noting that she failed to ‘fulfill her duty to ensure that the laws were faithfully and fairly enforced.’

“The public has made up their mind. Judge Willams’ report confirms what we already know.

“Zulima Farber must resign. The Office of Attorney General cannot rebound from ethics violations with her at the helm. We need an Attorney General who is above reproach.

“I pray that she does not put her personal interest ahead of the public interest.”

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