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Beach Resolution Recognizing ‘Tinnitus Awareness Week’ Introduced In Senate

TRENTON – Senator Jim Beach today introduced a resolution in the State Senate to recognize the week of May 10 – May 16 as “Tinnitus Awareness Week,” in order to advance public awareness about the hearing disorder and encourage both public and private health organizations to continue to fund research into treatments designed to alleviate the symptoms and to find a cure for this incapacitating condition.

“When we talk about advocating on behalf of a population, we often speak in terms of being a voice for those who can’t speak for themselves,” said Senator Beach, D-Camden. “In this case, New Jersey must be a voice for those who can’t hear the debate. This resolution would help create enhanced public awareness about a debilitating hearing condition known as tinnitus, and would hopefully spur public and private investment into treating and someday curing this disorder.”

The resolution, as introduced, would recognize the week of May 10 – May 16 as “Tinnitus Awareness Week.” Tinnitus is a hearing disorder often defined as “ringing in the ears,” and can cause a person to hear ringing, buzzing or some other sound without an external source, or be extremely sensitive to sound. Tinnitus is most often the result of extreme noise exposure, but in some cases can be caused by conditions such as an ear infection, the use of certain drugs, a blocked auditory tube or canal, or head injury.

“As it’s most often associated with exposure to dangerously high volumes, either through a single noise or through accumulation of noise, tinnitus is often found in people who’ve worked in high-noise environments, such as sawmills and manufacturing plants,” said Senator Beach, who sits on the Senate Labor Committee. “The hard-working men and women of New Jersey and around the world shouldn’t be asked to sacrifice their hearing simply to earn a living. Hopefully, through this resolution, we encourage people to follow the appropriate precautions in high noise environments, and we put greater focus on treatment to provide a better quality of life for tinnitus sufferers.”

Senator Beach noted that tinnitus can affect people at all ages, and the effects can range from a dull ringing to a deafening roar. Senator Beach added that at this point, there’s still a lot that the medical community doesn’t know about tinnitus, and hopefully, by lending Statewide recognition to a public awareness campaign, more research will be conducted regarding the causes and cures of the condition.

“For someone suffering from tinnitus, everyday tasks can be difficult and painful,” said Senator Beach. “Imagine hearing a sharp ringing instead of a child’s laughter, or trying to fall asleep as some unseen source causes a deafening burst of noise within your head. This is a slice of life for those living with the debilitating condition of tinnitus, and it would be inhumane to do anything but our level best to help restore the quality of life for tinnitus sufferers.”

The bill is pending consideration in the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee.

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