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Beach/Girgenti Resolution Would Encourage State Colleges And Universities To Increase Access For Service Members

TRENTON – A resolution sponsored by Senators Jim Beach and John A. Girgenti which would urge New Jersey’s institutions of higher education to seek membership in the Servicemembers Opportunity Consortium, which helps to provide educational opportunities to service members who, due to frequent relocation, have had trouble completing their college degrees was approved today by the Senate Education Committee.

“The goal of this measure is to give more servicepeople access to higher educational opportunities,” said Senator Beach, D-Camden. “Earning a college degree is challenging enough, but when coupled with the responsibility of serving in the military, and the reality of frequent relocations, some men and women in uniform have a hard time. By joining this Consortium, New Jersey’s institutions of higher learning would be helping to provide flexibility to these men and women who put their lives on the line protecting our safety.”

The Senators’ resolution, SCR-124, would encourage the State’s colleges and universities are encouraged to seek membership in the Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) Consortium. Created in 1972, the Consortium helps to coordinate post secondary educational opportunities for service members by advocating for increased access and flexibility for service members.

“This resolution would help increase educational opportunities for our men and women in uniform, who because of a prior obligation to the military, have a hard time completing their degrees,” said Senator Girgenti, D-Bergen and Passaic, who Chairs the Senate Law, Public Safety and Veterans Affairs Committee. “By joining this Consortium, New Jersey’s colleges could be better able to meet the needs of service members, who want to further their education.”

This measure now heads to the full Senate for approval.


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