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Buono Statement On Passage Of Stem Cell Institute Bill

TRENTON – Senator Barbara Buono, D-Middlesex, made the follow statement today after the Senate passed her bill, S-1471, which would authorize $250 million to build stem cell research and biomedical research facilities in New Jersey:

“”New Jersey is a global leader in developing advanced medical cures that save countless lives. The stem cell research centers will allow us to maintain this lead while working with researchers from around the world to realize the potential that stem cell research has. For those living with diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, cancer or numerous other diseases, the stem cell research centers will be a symbol of hope.

“While it may have taken me and Governor Codey more than a year to pass this bill, we’ve only just begun. The most difficult steps are still yet to be done – building the facilities and undertaking the research to find these cures.”

The bill passed the Senate by a vote of 29-10. It now awaits final approval by the Assembly.

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