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Buono: We Need Accountability

TRENTON – Senator Barbara Buono, Chair of the Senate Budget & Appropriations Committee, today said “accountability” will be her top priority as her panel prepares to review Governor Corzine’s spending plan for the fiscal year beginning July 1.

“The time for wasteful spending is over. There has to be accountability for every public dollar before it’s spent. It’s our moral obligation to demand that accountability from every person who comes before the committee.

“The weak national economy, the housing crisis and job losses have all combined to create deep distrust of government at every level. It’s our job to restore credibility by making hard choices to cut spending.

“People feel paralyzed by the burdens of taxes and they’re telling us they won’t take it anymore. I believe we have a moral obligation to cut wasteful spending and to demand accountability.

“The Legislature’s responsibility is to take the Governor’s proposal and make it more responsive to the will of taxpayers whether it’s by eliminating wasteful outside contracts or cutting programs.” The Senate budget panel will begin its review of the Governor’s budget with a series public hearings next month.#

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