Joseph Vitale

27 Apr: Vitale – Self-Serve Gasoline Pilot Unnecessary

TRENTON – Senator Joseph F. Vitale, D-Middlesex, issued the following statement regarding a proposed gasoline self-service pilot program being advocated by Governor Corzine. Senator Vitale had released a statement earlier in the week saying without guarantees, self-service could be detrimental to disabled and senior drivers:

“Governor Corzine’s proposed self-serve pilot program, though it comes with noble intentions, should be outright rejected by the State Legislature. Self-service gas is discriminatory, it won’t save any money, and it will only benefit oil companies already making a killing at the pump.

25 Apr: Vitale – Self-Serve Gas Will Not Lower Prices

TRENTON – Senator Joseph F. Vitale, D-Middlesex, issued the following statement today regarding calls from several people, including State Senator Gerald Cardinale, D-Bergen, to switch to an optional self-service gas to lower fuel prices:

“What Senator Cardinale and other self-service advocates never mention in their quest to pump their own gas is that there are no guarantees that self-serve gas will lower prices at the pump.

26 Mar: Vitale Resolution Calling On Rutgers To Save Douglass College

TRENTON – A resolution sponsored by Senator Joseph F. Vitale which would urge Rutgers University to retain Douglass College as a four-year women’s college was approved by the Senate Education Committee today by a vote of 3-0, with one abstention, following a Statehouse rally by Douglass alums and State legislators supporting the college.

“Douglass College has played a major part in preparing women for leadership roles in New Jersey and throughout the country,” said Senator Vitale, D-Middlesex. “Throughout its history, the College’s mission has changed with the changing status of women in our society, but there is still so much to be done, and Douglass’s work is far from complete. Restructuring Rutgers University to fold Douglass into their larger gen-ed picture would be a disservice to efforts empowering women in New Jersey.”

13 Mar: Vitale-Madden Bill To Give Sex Offender Info To Dyfs Approved

TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senators Joseph F. Vitale and Fred H. Madden which would provide the Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS) access to the State’s sex offender database was unanimously approved by the Senate today.

“DYFS needs to defend our State’s kids against all threats, including those from sexual predators,” said Senator Vitale, D-Middlesex, Chair of the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee. “By giving DYFS agents access to the tools they need to quickly identify dangerous sex offenders early on, and remove kids from harm’s way, we will be empowering the agency to accomplish its mission.”

02 Mar: Vitale Statement On Employee Health Benefits Hearing

TRENTON – Senator Joseph F. Vitale, D-Middlesex, the Chair of the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee, issued the following statement regarding a joint hearing between his panel and the Senate Labor Committee regarding employers’ responsibility to provide health benefits for their workers:

“As a longtime proponent and author of NJ FamilyCare, I am very disappointed to see large employers shirking their responsibility and relying on FamilyCare as a crutch to avoid providing health benefits.

01 Mar: National American Miss Teen Joins Senator Buono Before Education Committee Thursday

TRENTON – National American Miss Teen 2005 Samantha Hahn will join Senator Barbara Buono tomorrow, Thursday, March 2, 2006, in speaking to the Senate Education Committee about legislation that will include electronic communications under the State’s definition of bullying.

Miss Hahn, a New Jersey native, has made bullying the central theme of her platform while serving as National American Miss Teen. As a victim of bullying herself, she will give an account to the committee of the harassment and intimidation she faced in school, especially through e-mail and instant messaging, and discuss the impact that bullying can have on young people.

27 Feb: Vitale Introduces Bill To Give Voice To Port Authority In Port Deals

TRENTON – Senator Joseph F. Vitale introduced legislation today which would give the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey a greater voice in business deals between companies operating New Jersey ports.

“The recent controversy over a United Arab Emirates-controlled company buying a British-owned company that operates ports in New Jersey has unveiled a very real homeland security problem,” said Senator Vitale, D-Middlesex. “The entire deal between Dubai Ports World and the British company, Peninsular, was approved through federal security checks under our radar, and New Jersey wasn’t given any knowledge of the deal until it hit the media. Considering that New Jerseyans are the ones who are going to have to live with the after-effects of insecurity at our ports, and that New Jersey resources will be used to defend and secure the ports, that we were left out of the approval process is unconscionable and inexcusable.”

27 Feb: Vitale Bill Clarifies Absentee Ballot Voting Rules

TRENTON – Legislation sponsored by Senator Joseph F. Vitale, which would clarify the deadline to request an absentee ballot must be post marked at least seven days before the election, was unanimously approved by the full Senate today.

“Voting by mail is wildly popular because it’s so convenient,” said Senator Vitale, D-Middlesex. “Absentee voting guarantees our citizens the chance to sit down and mark their ballot when they have time. There’s no standing in line, no searching for parking, no rushing home to get to the polls before they close on Election Day. The number of residents who choose to vote absentee has grown, and I want to ensure that every voter who wishes to vote by mail has that opportunity.”

17 Jan: Vitale: Corzine Will Combine Compassion With Reform

TRENTON – Senator Joseph F. Vitale, the Chairman of the Senate Health, Human Services & Senior Citizens Committee, made the following comments on the Inauguration Day of Governor Jon Corzine.

“My initial take on Jon Corzine is that fixing the Division of Youth and Family Services will be one of his first goals. His gut won’t let him turn his back on kids. It will be a tough fiscal hit now, but he knows the importance of crafting a blueprint for child protection.

09 Jan: Vitale Bill On Minors’ Consent Receives Final Legislative Approval

TRENTON – A measure sponsored by Senator Joseph F. Vitale, to clarify minors’ rights to consent to testing and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases like HIV/AIDS, received final Legislative approval today in the Assembly by a vote 54-18-4.

“For many teens the decision to have sex does not include the use of protection or testing for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs),” said Senator Vitale, Chairman of the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee. “Sexually active, or sexually abused minors need to get testing and treatment for diseases like HIV/AIDS and by allowing teens to do so confidentially, we are able to help them feel comfortable enough to do so.”