Loretta Weinberg

02 May: Weinberg Declares Victory With Enactment Of Paid Family Leave Law

TRENTON – Senator Loretta Weinberg today declared a hard-fought victory for New Jersey workers and their families with the enactment of the new Paid Family Leave law.

“This is a good day for workers and their families because we’ve injected some heart into the world of business,” said Senator Weinberg, D-Bergen. “This new law will help families deal with what’s really important in life – being there for loved ones in times of need.”

Senator Loretta Weinberg, D-Bergen, is recognized by the General Assembly.

09 Apr: Weinberg Bills To Promote Religious Tolerance Highlighted Today

PASSAIC – Several measures sponsored by Senator Loretta Weinberg, designed to help promote religious equality and tolerance, were highlighted today by Governor Jon Corzine. The ceremonial bill signings took place at Ahavas Israel Park.

“These bills are about parity,” said Senator Weinberg, D-Bergen. “There are a number of different religions and belief systems that encourage specific dietary plans and worship activities, and the people who follow them should be able to participate without the fear of missing out on possible employment, healthcare opportunities or educational events.”

07 Apr: Vitale-Weinberg Bill To Ensure Funding For Center For Nursing Approved

TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senators Joseph F. Vitale and Loretta Weinberg which would reorganize the New Jersey Collaborating Center for Nursing and provide a permanent funding source was approved by the Senate today by a vote of 34-0.

“New Jersey is facing the effects of a protracted nursing shortage, and quality, well-trained nursing professionals are at a premium,” said Senator Vitale, D-Middlesex, the Chair of the Senate Health Committee. “The Collaborating Center for Nursing has served as a clearing house for best practices in nursing, helping to keep our healthcare professionals ahead of trends in technology and changes in medical care policy. We must provide the resources so that the Center can continue its mission of equipping nurses for the challenges they face in the 21st Century.”

Senators Loretta Weinberg, D-Bergen, and Nicholas P. Scutari, D-Union, listen to testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

17 Mar: Weinberg Bill Would Require Background Checks For Adoption Agency Employees

TRENTON – A measure sponsored by Senator Loretta Weinberg which would require employees of adoption agencies to undergo criminal history background and Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS) child abuse record checks as a condition of employment was unanimously approved today by the full Senate.

“Too often, when a child is put up for adoption, he or she is moved from foster home to foster home before a ‘forever family’ is found,” said Senator Weinberg, D-Bergen. “As a mother and a grandmother, I can attest to how important stability is to the development of children, and a lack thereof can prove to be very harmful. When a child is adopted that lack of stability is intensified. Any adult that these children come in contact with must have their best interest at heart, and by mandating these checks as a condition of employment, we would be fighting to keep our children safe.”

10 Mar: Weinberg/Vitale Bill Would Work To Help Increase Resources For Young Parents

TRENTON – A measure sponsored by Senators Loretta Weinberg and Joseph F. Vitale, which would permit the Governor to appoint the teenage members of the Advisory Council on Adolescent Pregnancy, without the advice and consent of the Senate was approved today by the Senate State Government Committee.

“Speeding up the appointment process of these young people, would allow the Council to be more progressive about working to develop programs to help secure more resources for teenage parents, while also stressing the importance of safe sex and abstinence,” said Senator Weinberg, D-Bergen, who serves as Vice Chair of the Senate State Government panel. “Of the four adolescent members of the council, two would be parents, and they would be able to provide first hand views on the needs of teenage parents. The lives of our children are too precious to deny them the resources they need because of a lengthy appointment process.”

“Since being established in 1997, it’s been hard for the Council to secure teenage members because of the lengthy appointment process,” said Senator Vitale, D-Middlesex. “We cannot expect these teens to sit around and wait months to be appointed while they have so many other things going on with their lives, including school, extra-curricular activities, and for some of them, raising children.”

06 Mar: Vitale-Weinberg Bill To Ensure Funding For Center For Nursing Advances

TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senators Joseph F. Vitale and Loretta Weinberg which would reorganize the New Jersey Collaborating Center for Nursing and provide a permanent funding source was unanimously approved by the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee today.

“As New Jersey’s health care facilities try to cope with a prolonged nursing shortage in the Garden State, qualified, well-trained nurses are more important than ever,” said Senator Vitale, D-Middlesex, the Chair of the Health panel. “The Collaborating Center for Nursing has been on the frontlines of medical care in New Jersey, offering best practices and patient care policies which ensure a safe, productive health care workplace. We need to ensure the Center can continue its mission of improving training options for nurses in the State.”

03 Mar: Weinberg Cites Personal End-Of Life Benefit To Paid Family Leave

TRENTON – Senator Loretta Weinberg, a co-sponsor of the proposed Paid Family Leave Law, S-786, released the following statement today which includes floor comments on how she valued time spent with her husband, Irwin, prior to his death.

“It’s true that this bill has been around for over 10 years, but it’s better now than it’s ever been before. It’s fairer to the business community, but it will still achieve the goal of giving workers peace of mind while they tend to critically needed time with family members.

03 Mar: Weinberg/Turner Bill To Require Religious Parity In Educational Exams Clears Senate

TRENTON – A measure sponsored by Senators Loretta Weinberg and Shirley K. Turner, to ensure that all colleges and universities to provide alternate testing arrangements for students who are unable to attend scheduled exams because of religious observances was unanimously approved today by the full Senate.

“The goal of this legislation is to ensure parity in these educational tests at all of New Jersey’s colleges and universities,” said Senator Weinberg, D-Bergen. “I understand that many schools already offer alternate testing dates, but this legislation would work to ensure that all schools in New Jersey recognize the need for these exams to be offered on dates that don’t conflict with students’ religious responsibilities.”

“This bill would provide a fair chance for students who, because of religious reasons, are unable to take a necessary exam during a regularly scheduled time, to do so at a later date,” said Senator Turner, D-Mercer, who chairs the Senate Education Committee. “These exams are important, and absolutely necessary for students to move onto the next step educationally. This bill would level the playing field.”

29 Feb: Weinberg: U.s. Attorney Needs To Investigate Encap Debacle

TRENTON – Senator Loretta Weinberg, D-Bergen today reacted to the Inspector General’s report on EnCap by saying that U.S. Attorney Christopher Christie should begin an investigation into possible criminal acts in connection with the project:

“After my initial review of this disturbing report, it is clear that the U.S. Attorney needs to impanel a grand jury to thoroughly investigate the findings of the report and determine if criminal indictments are warranted.

19 Feb: Weinberg: It’s Time To Change ‘Civil Union’ To ‘Marriage’

TEANECK – Senator Loretta Weinberg, D-Bergen, released the following statement today regarding the New Jersey Civil Union Review Commission’s report about the status of civil unions here in New Jersey:

“Today’s report voiced some of the concerns that I and some of my colleagues have had for years. The term ‘civil union’ isn’t specific enough, and it’s time to change the name to what it really should be – marriage.