Nicholas P. Scutari

23 Dec: Scutari Announces Federal Funding For Union County College, New Jersey City University Collaborative ‘STEM’ Program

ELIZABETH – Earlier this week, State Senator Nicholas P. Scutari joined with officials from Union County College (UCC) and New Jersey City University (NJCU) to officially announce a federal grant award of more than $3 million to help support a five-year collaborative project designed to encourage academic success for Hispanic and other low-income students enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics majors.

“The broader societal benefits of long-term investment and expansion of higher educational resources must be encouraged,” said Senator Scutari, D-Union, Middlesex and Somerset. “These services allow students to receive full professional career development training at a critical stage. This will lead to more job choices for these students and ultimately to a better educated workforce for New Jersey and the nation.”

24 Nov: Scutari – Red Light Cameras Still Wrong For New Jersey

TRENTON – Senator Nicholas P. Scutari, D-Union, an opponent of a pilot program that uses traffic signal surveillance cameras to catch people who run red lights, issued the following statement today regarding the fact that three New Jersey municipalities – Newark, Brick and East Brunswick – appear ready to go live with their red light camera systems:

“I’ve said in the past that red light cameras are a mistake, and I’m disappointed that three municipalities in the State are moving forward with the program. Simply put, these cameras are nothing more than a money-grab for municipalities, and will result in more traffic accidents than if we did nothing at all.

27 Oct: Scutari And Lesniak Ask For Pardon Of Medical Marijuana User

TRENTON – Calling the prosecution of a self-medicating Somerset County man with multiple sclerosis (MS) a “severe, inappropriate, discompassionate and inhumane application of the letter of the law,” Senators Nicholas P. Scutari and Raymond J. Lesniak today urged Governor Jon Corzine to pardon Franklin Township resident John Ray Wilson, and called on the Assembly to quickly move legislation to decriminalize the medicinal use of marijuana by New Jerseyans with chronic and terminal illnesses.

“It seems cruel and unusual to treat New Jersey’s sick and dying as if they were drug cartel kingpins. Moreover, it is a complete waste of taxpayer money having to house and treat an MS patient in a jail at the public’s expense,” said Senator Scutari, D-Union, Middlesex and Somerset. “Specifically, in the case of John Ray Wilson, the State is taking a fiscally irresponsible hard-line approach against a man who’s simply seeking what little relief could be found from the debilitating effects of multiple sclerosis. Governor Corzine should step in immediately and end this perversion of criminal drug statutes in the Garden State.”

14 Oct: Scutari Leads Local Opposition To Re-Construction In Congested Neighborhood

LINDEN, NJ – Last night, Senator Nicholas P. Scutari personally appeared at the meeting of the Linden City Planning Board and, along with more than 50 city residents, led the charge in opposition to a proposed variance allowing an expanded parking lot at 125 Lexington Avenue, which would allow for the formation of a new church in an already congested area.

“We have to look at the facts,” said Senator Scutari. “The neighborhood in question simply cannot support re-construction of this magnitude, and allowing the church project to move ahead would pose an undue hardship on the residents and businesses already in place.”

02 Oct: Buono-Scutari Bill Expanding NJ Motor Vehicle Lemon Law Signed

TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman, Senator Barbara Buono, and State Government Committee Chairman, Senator Nicholas P. Scutari, which expands consumer protections under New Jersey’s motor vehicle “Lemon Law” from two years or 18,000 miles to two years or 24,000 miles, was signed into law yesterday by Governor Corzine.

“This change is reasonable and sorely needed since current usage patterns and needs have changed considerably,” said Senator Buono, D-Middlesex. “Drivers commute to work much farther than when the law was enacted 18 years ago and subsequently consumers are finding their lemon law rights are limited to approximately a year of usage. In fact, the average consumer reaches the 18,000 mile limit after only 14 months. By broadening the window through which individuals can file claims to 24,000 miles or two years, we will be affording many hardworking New Jerseyans enhanced consumer protection.”

12 Aug: Scutari Calls For Review Of Prison Closing

TRENTON – Sen. Nicholas Scutari (D-Union) today asked the state Treasurer’s office for additional information regarding the closing and proposed demolition of Riverfront State Prison in Camden.

Riverfront, a medium-security facility that was opened in 1985, is the state’s third-newest prison. Scutari questioned the wisdom of closing the facility and demolishing it to make way for development along the Camden waterfront.

25 Jun: Scutari Lieutenant Governor Bill Receives Final Legislative Approval

TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senator Nicholas P. Scutari which would establish campaign finance and disclosure standards and debate rules for New Jersey’s new Lieutenant Governor position was approved by the Assembly today by a vote of 66-12, with one abstention, receiving final legislative approval.

“This November, voters in New Jersey will go to the polls for the first time to vote for a leadership team, not just a Governor,” said Senator Scutari, D-Union, Middlesex and Somerset. “While past acting Governors have done an exemplary job to serve the people of New Jersey, the new Lieutenant Governor position will ensure consistency and predictability in the path of succession, and whoever’s elected will hopefully play a major role in shaping the direction of the State. We need to ensure that the candidates running under the Governor, this November and into the future, are subject to the same reporting, spending and contribution limits as other candidates for office in the Garden State.”

10 Jun: Scutari Calls For End To Traffic Light Camera Pilot Program

TRENTON – Citing a Middlesex County municipality’s recent decision to withdraw from a pilot program that uses traffic signal surveillance cameras to catch people who run red lights, Sen. Nicholas Scutari (D-Union, Middlesex, and Somerset) today called for an end to the program.

Sen. Scutari said though the program purports to be focused on increasing traffic safety, it is really a revenue-raiser for towns and, in fact, could compromise safety for motorists and pedestrians.

04 Jun: Scutari-Whelan ‘New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act’ Advances In Assembly

TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senators Nicholas P. Scutari and Jim Whelan to legalize medical marijuana for those suffering from chronic and terminal diseases was approved by the Assembly Health and Senior Services Committee today by a vote of 8-1, with 2 abstentions.

“Through this bill, New Jersey is sending a message that compassion for the sick and dying is of paramount importance,” said Senator Scutari, D-Union, Middlesex and Somerset. “For those people suffering from chronic and terminal illnesses, who live in constant pain or are at death’s door, we must provide access to medical marijuana if it will help relieve their symptoms or give them a measure of comfort in their final hours. New Jersey gains no benefit from going after sick and dying people, who have run out of options and are otherwise law-abiding citizens.”

Returning members of the State Senate are sworn in

23 Feb: Scutari-Whelan ‘New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act’ Approved By Senate

TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senators Nicholas P. Scutari and Jim Whelan to create an avenue of legality for medical marijuana for those suffering from chronic and terminal diseases was approved by the Senate today by a vote of 22-16.

“If medical marijuana can ease some of the suffering of a patient who’s dying from a chronic, severe or terminal disease, state government should not stand in the way of that relief,” said Senator Scutari (D-Union, Middlesex and Somerset). “This bill is about giving health care professionals options in treating their patients’ pain and suffering, and giving those patients a measure of dignity and comfort in facing a terminal disease. While we should rightfully maintain a tough stance on the recreational abuse of drugs, we must take a compassionate and humane approach to bringing relief to those patients who have nowhere else to turn.”

“A number of healthcare studies have highlighted the benefits of marijuana use in treating severe and potentially fatal diseases, and the side effects associated with the treatment of those diseases,” said Senator Whelan, D-Atlantic, and a member of the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee. “If this drug can bring relief where established methods of pain management have failed, we need to give doctors in this State the authority to prescribe it. We’re not talking about the legalization of pot, but rather about giving suffering New Jerseyans a small bit of comfort in what could be their final days.”