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Scutari Leads Local Opposition To Re-Construction In Congested Neighborhood

Says Community Cannot Support Development on this Magnitude in an Area Already Over-Developed

LINDEN, NJ – Last night, Senator Nicholas P. Scutari personally appeared at the meeting of the Linden City Planning Board and, along with more than 50 city residents, led the charge in opposition to a proposed variance allowing an expanded parking lot at 125 Lexington Avenue, which would allow for the formation of a new church in an already congested area.

“We have to look at the facts,” said Senator Scutari. “The neighborhood in question simply cannot support re-construction of this magnitude, and allowing the church project to move ahead would pose an undue hardship on the residents and businesses already in place.”

Senator Scutari said that although the zoning in the area would already allow the formation of a church, a variance would be needed in order to reduce the number of required parking spaces to support the church. This would exacerbate an already difficult situation for residents and businesses presently located in the area, contributing to increased traffic, congestion and noise and would put an even greater strain on the limited parking availability in the neighborhood. The lawmaker noted that the area is a hodgepodge of residential, industrial and commercial businesses, and it would be unfair to penalize residents and businesses with roots in the neighborhood to make room for a new endeavor.

“Many of the folks who call the Lexington Avenue area home have roots going back generations,” said Senator Scutari. “If this was a neighborhood which could accommodate more development, I don’t think anyone would be here registering complaints. But this is an area that’s already facing major traffic and congestion problems without exacerbating the situation, and we ought to show a little consideration for those folks and businesses already in the neighborhood.”

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