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Codey Appoints Former Senator Martin To Four-Year Term As Sci Commissioner

TRENTON – Senate President Richard J. Codey (D-Essex) today announced the appointment of former Republican Senator Robert J. Martin, Esq. to a four-year term on the State Commission of Investigation (SCI).

“Bob Martin is a stand-up guy with unquestionable integrity that will certainly benefit the SCI,” said Sen. Codey. “He understands the inner-workings of government probably better than anyone out there and he has the legal mind to navigate complicated cases. Without question, he’ll be a major asset to this important commission.”

Martin, an attorney who currently serves as a Professor of Law & Director of the Center of State and Local Government Law for Seton Hall University, represented Morris, Passaic and Essex Counties in the New Jersey State Senate from 1985 to 2008. As a legislator, he sponsored more than a 100 laws, including the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act, the Open Public Records Act, the Comprehensive Educational Improvement and Financing Act and Repeal of New Jersey’s Death Penalty. As a professor, he focuses on major policy areas involving the operation of state and local governments. He has concentrated on issues impacting land use, education law, state constitutional law and legislation. Several of his articles on these topics have been excerpted and noted in leading law school textbooks.

“I am honored to serve on the SCI, especially as the appointee of Senate President Codey. The SCI provides critical oversight for the protection of New Jersey residents, and I will do my utmost to carry out its mission,” said Martin.

The State Commission of Investigation was established in 1968 as an independent fact-finding agency charged with identifying and investigating organized crime, corruption and waste, fraud and abuse of taxpayers’ dollars. The SCI is required by law to pursue these investigations beyond the sphere of political influence or favoritism and make their findings public through written reports and/or public hearings.

The SCI is comprised of four commissioners, no more than two of whom may be of the same political party. Commissioners are appointed by the Governor, Senate President and Assembly Speaker and serve staggered four-year terms. Members and staff of the SCI are prohibited from participating in non-federal political activity in New Jersey .

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