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Codey: Bloomberg The Right Man For The Job

Senate President Supports NYC Mayor for Economics Czar

TRENTON – Senate President and former Governor Richard J. Codey (D-Essex) today joined a growing chorus of supporters backing New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg as the ideal candidate to become the nation’s “economics czar” to oversee the massive Wall Street bail out package pending before Congress.

“Having worked with Mayor Bloomberg when I was Governor, I witnessed his economic prowess first hand,” said Codey. “No one understands the business sector better than he does. Just as importantly, he relates to working class families and understands their struggles.”

“He’s a uniquely talented individual. Clearly he knows how to run a business and the past seven years have shown us that he definitely knows how to run a government too. He’s done a fabulous job as mayor of New York. I honestly believe that there’s no one more qualified in this country to take on such a critical role that requires an understanding of the fundamentals of both Wall Street and government. Whoever is trusted with making this appointment would be foolish not to go directly to Mike Bloomberg.”

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