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Codey Calls On Corzine To Introduce Financial Reform Plan Asap

TRENTON – Senate President Richard J. Codey (D-Essex) today called on Governor Jon Corzine to release “complete details” on his Financial Reform and Debt Reduction Plan as soon as possible in order to allow the Legislature enough time to give it a thorough and proper vetting. The Senate President spoke with the Governor’s Chief of Staff today and conveyed his concerns, stressing that in order to meet the Governor’s deadlines the legislature must begin reviewing the plan in bill format as soon as humanly possible.

“Some people would say the devil is in the details, and if it is, we want to make sure we exorcize it. We were criticized for moving too quickly on the school funding bill in order to meet deadlines so we must make sure we have enough time to really comb through what will likely be hundreds of pages of legislation.

“This plan will impact every New Jerseyan for generations to come. It’s not something we can rush through or tread lightly over. This is a monumental undertaking, perhaps the largest fiscal restructuring plan the state has ever seen, and it needs to be well thought out.

“Plain and simple, we need to get this introduced faster than John Madden on his way to a tailgating party.”

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