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Job Opportunities at the New Jersey Office of Legislative Services


The Office of Legislative Services is an agency of the Legislature established by law to provide professional, nonpartisan staff support services to the Legislature and its officers, members, committees and commissions.

The agency is looking to fill vacancies in the following positions: Executive Director; Legislative Counsel; and Legislative Budget and Finance Officer.

You will find below a brief description of each position. Click the links below the job descriptions for more information on how to apply.


Executive Director

The Executive Director is the chief executive officer of the non-partisan Office of Legislative Services. In this capacity, the Executive Director oversees the provision of fiscal, legal,research and committee staff services to the Legislature; the planning, operation, maintenance and security of the legislative computer and information system; general administrative services; the human resources program; the provision of legislative public information services and programs; and the offices of the legislative Budget and Finance Officer, the Legislative Counsel, and the State Auditor.

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Legislative Counsel

Under the general direction of the Executive Director, serves as the chief legal officer of the Legislature and counsel to the Legislative Services Commission, the Joint Legislative Committee on Ethical Standards, and the Office of Legislative Services. Provides general standards for legislative bills, resolutions and amendments to assure compliance with the form and general classification of the Revised Statutes; furnishes formal legal opinions, legal assistance, information and advice relating to the subject matter and legal effect of the statutes and proposals made for statutory enactment, and questions of parliamentary law and legislative procedure.

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Legislative Budget and Finance Officer

As the chief fiscal officer for the Legislature and the Legislative Services Commission, the Legislative Budget and Finance Officer (LBFO), under the general direction of the Executive Director, collects and presents budget and fiscal information for the Legislature and its budget committees, which includes providing public testimony; reviews requests for appropriations; and determines approval for and the transfer of funds among State accounts. The LBFO also administers the fiscal note process and staffs of the Joint Budget Oversight Committee.

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