TRENTON – Senator Ellen Karcher, D-Monmouth and Mercer, issued the following statement today regarding the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on Governor Corzine’s nominees Kevin Ryan for Commissioner of Human Services and Lisa Jackson for Commissioner of Environmental Protection. Both Ryan and Jackson live in Senator Karcher’s 12th Legislative District:
“It is a great honor to have two highly-skilled nominees for Governor Corzine’s cabinet come from the 12th district. Commissioners-designate Ryan and Jackson are at the top of their respective games, and will serve the State well.
“Commissioner-designate Jackson is a career environmental advocate, who has built an impressive resume of professional experience, and she brings years of experience going after polluters for violating the environmental regulations of this State. She will undoubtedly bring her record and skills to bear as the head of the Department of Environmental Protection.
“Commissioner-designate Ryan has made child welfare his lifelong mission, and as the State’s first Child Advocate, lent his voice to invaluable children’s protection measures. He will be a worthy and capable overseer of the State’s troubled DYFS system and the Department of Human Services as a whole.
“We are lucky to have some of the best and brightest minds in the 12th, and that’s being recognized by Governor Corzine’s willingness to tap some of our residents to serve the State. Maybe it’s something in the water, but one thing is certain — New Jersey’s 12th legislative district should take great pride in our successful residents headed to serve in the Corzine administration.”