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Kenny: A Budget Even Republicans Can Love

TRENTON – Senate Majority Leader Bernard F. Kenny Jr. today described the State spending plan offered by Acting Governor Codey as “a budget that even Republicans can love.”

Senator Kenny said he expected strong bipartisan support for Codey’s austere spending plan unveiled officially today.

“It funds education, health care and human services which Democrats will like, but it also cuts rebates for non-seniors which is something the Republicans did themselves in 1992,” said Senator Kenny, D-Hudson.

Both Democrats and Republicans will savor the reduced spending in the budget, Senator Kenny predicted.

“The decision to plug up the flood of runaway spending was an unavoidable necessity,” Senator Kenny said. “This budget will – without question – put the State’s fiscal house in order.”

As a key member of the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee, Senator Kenny will now join fellow panel members in reviewing the $27.4 billion spending plan advanced by the Acting Governor. By the end of June, the Legislature must pass a budget bill to be signed in time for the fiscal year starting July 1.

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