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Madden: UI Task Force Recommendations Will Lead To Stability For Workers And Business

TRENTON – Senate Labor Committee Chairman Fred Madden (D-Gloucester/Camden) praised the final report of the Unemployment Insurance Task Force, which was submitted to the governor Friday.

Madden, who served as a non-voting member of the task force, released the following statement:

“Jobless residents want assurances that the unemployment trust fund will be there in their time of need, and businesses wanted to get off the roller-coaster of ever-changing taxes. This task force puts us on a clear path for both.

“By implementing the task force’s twin recommendations, we not only will be giving businesses tax relief and financial stability, but we finally will begin undoing in earnest the damage done by years of fund raids and short-sighted fiscal gimmick that left the unemployment insurance fund teetering on the brink at a time residents needed it most.

“I thank the representatives from both business and labor who gave their time and ideas throughout this process, and I thank my legislative colleagues, Senator Joe Pennacchio and Assemblymen Joe Egan and Bob Schroeder, for their work. Together we once again proved that the best ways to move New Jersey forward do not come exclusively from one sector or one party, but can only be found by working together.”

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