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Media Advistory – Four Senate Good Government Bills to Be Signed into Law on Tuesday

MARLBORO – Four Senate bills, including a trio of government ethics bills sponsored by Senator Ellen Karcher, the Senate’s leading proponent of tough ethics reform, will be signed into law by Governor Corzine on Tuesday.

The bill signing ceremony will be held at the Marlboro Library, Library Court & Wyncrest Drive, in Marlboro on September 4th at 11 a.m.

Among the bills to be signed include S-1318, the “Public Corruption Profiteering Penalty Act,” which would permit the Attorney General to seek monetary penalties against persons who are convicted of public corruption crimes, and S-1192, which would create the crime of corruption of public resources and impose criminal penalties for making a false material misrepresentation to a government agency, officer, or employee for the purpose of obtaining a public resource.

“New Jersey is turning the corner on the corruption and backroom dealings which have caused the people to lose faith in their government,” said Senator Karcher, D-Monmouth and Mercer and prime sponsor of both S-1318 and S-1192. “With these bills being signed into law, we will have tougher penalties for those who abuse the public trust, greater transparency for New Jersey’s citizens, and government focusing on sound policy, not self-enrichment.”

“Too many people in and around government try to take advantage of the public trust. These people should know the difference between right and wrong, but history has shown otherwise. With this bill we send a signal to those in the private and non-profit sectors that corruption will no longer be tolerated,” added Senator John H. Adler, D-Cherry Hill and prime sponsor of S-1192.

The Governor will also sign S-3008, the ban on dual office holding. The bill is sponsored by Senators Karcher and Sharpe James.

“One of the first bills I put forward after being elected to the Senate in 1999 was a ban on dual office-holding,” said Senator James, D-Essex and Union. “As a former mayor of New Jersey’s largest city and a legislator, I know firsthand how difficult it is to fulfill the duties of both offices. I’m glad that we can finally take the steps needed to abolish this practice once and for all in New Jersey.”

Finally, the Governor will sign S-1662, sponsored by Senator Loretta Weinberg. The bill would require the Office of Legislative Services to make available to the public in electronic form a complete voting record, including individual votes by legislators, on all bills.

“As legislators, our choices must reflect what is in the best interest of our constituents, and residents have a right to know how we cast our votes,” said Senator Weinberg, D-Bergen. “To me, this expands the work started by the late Senator Byron Baer, through his “Sunshine Law” which allows all legislative committee meetings and voting sessions to be open to the public. This new law puts New Jersey one step closer to attaining total transparency in government.”

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