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Norcross Encourages Residents To Mark 10th Anniversary Of 9/11 With ‘Moment Of Remembrance’

Senator Sponsored Measure to Establish One-Minute Moment of Reflection to Honor Lives Lost

TRENTON – Senator Donald Norcross (Camden/Gloucester) today encouraged New Jerseyans to participate in a statewide ‘Moment of Remembrance’ on Sept. 11 to mark the ten-year anniversary of the terror attacks, by honoring the men and women who lost their lives that day and reflecting on the heroic efforts of those who responded.

“Ten years ago, our world changed forever as we witnessed the worst terrorist attacks ever to take place on American soil. New Jersey lost nearly 700 residents, and our nation lost close to 3,000 people on that dreadful day. But in the aftermath of these horrible attacks, we saw true acts of heroism, as our emergency responders traveled to the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and to Pennsylvania, putting their own lives at risk to aid their fellow citizens,” said Senator Norcross.

“This weekend, as we mark the ten-year anniversary of this tragic event, I encourage all New Jerseyans to join with people across our country in observing a moment of remembrance,” the Senator added. “By doing this, we will send a strong message that we remember the victims whose lives were lost, that our thoughts are with the victims and their loved ones and that we remain united against the forces at home and abroad that seek to cause us harm.”

Last month, the Senate approved a resolution (SR-127) sponsored by Senator Norcross, which calls upon New Jerseyans to cease all work or other activity for one minute starting at 1 pm on Sept. 11 for a moment of reflection in honor of those who lost their lives on that day. In addition, the resolution requests that residents mark the moment in an appropriate manner, to include ringing bells, blowing whistles or sounding sirens.

The moment of remembrance to be observed in New Jersey through this legislation will correspond with a national moment of remembrance established through legislation sponsored by U.S. Senator Frank Lautenberg and approved unanimously by the U.S. Senate in July. Under the Senator’s legislation, the entire country is encouraged to participate in a one-minute moment of reflection at 1 pm on Sept. 11.

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