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Preview- Senate Committee To Consider Prison Reforms On Monday

TRENTON – On Monday, the Senate Law, Public Safety and Veterans Affairs Committee will consider three bills, sponsored by Committee Chairman, Senator John A. Girgenti, which would make vital prison reforms in the wake of a New Year’s Day incident at Bayside State Prison in which nearly 30 Corrections officers were hospitalized with injuries.

Senator Girgenti said he anticipated bipartisan support for the three bills, which were introduced following two Law and Public Safety Committee hearings earlier this year on the outbreak of violence at Bayside Prison. The bills, S-2536, S-2537 and S-2538, would direct the Commissioner of Corrections to study deficiencies in a facility when violence occurs there, implement a telecommunications voice mail system to inform staff of potential prison uprisings during shift changes, and would require corrections officers in State facilities to complete continued education training in a number of topics, including gang control in prison.

In other Senate action on Monday, the Senate Education Committee will consider a bill package sponsored by Education Committee Chair, Senator Shirley K. Turner, and Senator Ellen Karcher which would promote healthier eating in our State’s public schools.

The measures, S-1913 and S-1916, would prohibit the sale of foods high in sugar and sodium in public schools, as well as prohibit the sale of certain high-calorie beverages. The two sponsors contend that recent trends in obesity among New Jersey’s residents often find their basis in the residents’ formative years, and by promoting healthier food choices at younger ages, the State would be setting the stage for healthier lifestyles further on in life.


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