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Reefer madness: There’s a standoff on State Street over marijuana legalization | Mulshine

Paul Mulshine | January 12, 2021 | Star-Ledger |


Steve Sweeney was headed to the Statehouse in Trenton when I got him on the phone Monday morning. He wasn’t happy about it.

“I wasn’t supposed to be there,” Sweeney told me.

The only reason for calling the session, he said, was to pass so-called “clean-up legislation” on the marijuana legalization bill that passed both House last month. But the sponsor had pulled the legislation.

Sweeney and other legislators had expected the governor to sign the bill by Jan. 1, which was the effective date for a constitutional an amendment legalizing pot that voters passed by a 2-1 margin back in November.

But Gov. Phil Murphy hasn’t signed the bill. He’s holding it up until the Legislature amends it to implement tougher enforcement provisions for underage pot possession.

Read the full column here.