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Rice Urges Organization To Celebrate Senior Citizens Achievements

NEWARK – Senator Ronald L. Rice today urged local churches and area organizations to observe “Senior Citizen’s Day” in New Jersey on May 15th by planning events and activities to honor those living in the State who are over sixty-five years old.

“I can’t personally visit each and every neighborhood church or organization in the State but I want these groups to know that it is important to provide programs that celebrate our seniors on their special day in May,” said Senator Rice, D-Essex. “The achievements of our senior citizens have brought about so many advancements in civil rights, especially for women and minorities. ‘Senior Citizen’s Day’ is a way to thank our elderly for all that they have done for us.”

Senator Rice was the sponsor of the 1994 law which permanently designated May 15th as “Senior Citizen’s Day” in New Jersey. In addition, Senator Rice is a member of the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee and has been the sponsor of several resolutions that ask the United States Congress, and the President to designate a day in spring to nationally honor our seniors.

“Every year we celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, but not all of our seniors are parents and if we live long enough we will become seniors too someday,” said Senator Rice. “We need to show respect to the elderly who have done so much for us by providing them with special activities on their special day.”

According to Senator Rice there are approximately 36 million senior citizens in the United States and over 1.1 million in New Jersey.

“Senior Citizens deserve recognition on their day because they have made numerous contributions to society, their survival through war times, and their ability to endure many hardships,” said Senator Rice.

In a study conducted by the Mature Market Institute at MetLife, by 2030, the national population of senior citizens will more than double to about 71.5 million, and by 2050 the number of seniors will grow to 86.7 million.

“Imagine the joy on the faces of the elderly living in our nursing homes, and assisted live facilities when they are provided with a special activity on ‘Senior Citizen’s Day,'” said Senator Rice. “It’s especially important for the nursing facilities to pay tribute to their residents and acknowledge how wonderful they are.”

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