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Ruiz Statement on George Helmy’s Departure


Trenton – Senate Majority Leader M. Teresa Ruiz issued the following statement on Chief of Staff George Helmy’s departure:

“I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the departure of George Helmy from his role as Chief of Staff in Governor Phil Murphy’s Administration. George has been an invaluable asset to the State of New Jersey, serving with dedication and distinction for over four and a half years.

“Throughout his tenure, George’s exceptional leadership, rooted in a unique blend of public and private sector experience, strong managerial acumen, and a deep network of relationships spanning the political spectrum, has played a pivotal role in shaping the Administration’s achievements. George Helmy’s service to New Jersey has been marked by integrity, empathy, and a steadfast dedication to the values set forth by Governor Murphy. I am grateful for his contributions, and while his landscape will change, I look forward to witnessing his continued impact and success in the years to come. On behalf of the people of New Jersey, I express my gratitude to George Helmy for his service and wish him all the best in his future endeavors.”