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Sarlo Named To Prominent Fiscal Policy Panel

Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee Chairman Paul Sarlo, D-Bergen, Essex and Passaic, speaks about a bill during the Budget Committee’s hearing on the FY 2011 Budget bills.

NJ Senate Budget Chair Appointed To CSG Fiscal & Economic Development Committee

TRENTON – Senator Paul Sarlo, the chairman of the New Jersey Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee and the head of the Legislature’s Joint Budget Oversight Committee, was appointed to a high-profile economic policy committee by the Council of State Governments, a national organization that fosters collaboration among the states on public policies. Senator Sarlo was named to the CSG’s Fiscal and Economic Development Public Policy Committee.

“These are challenging times for every state as we work to maximize the use of limited financial resources in a troubled economy,” said Senator Sarlo. “This will give me the opportunity to collaborate with budget leaders from across the country, to share from our experience and knowledge in New Jersey and to learn from ideas and experience of others. The circumstances may vary from state to state, but we all have the shared priorities of doing what we can to create jobs, generate economic growth and provide state services in an effective and efficient way.”

The fiscal and economic policy committee Senator Sarlo will join provides a forum for state leaders to address immediate and emerging state needs with a focus on emerging trends, innovative responses and effective solutions, according to the group’s defined priorities. The committee encourages multi-state problem solving by facilitating networking among state officials and the private sector. The issues include the state-federal funding relationship, state revenue recovery, financing for Medicaid and health care, cost containment strategies and economic development.

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