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Sarlo, Weinberg Praise Bergen Prosecutor’s Office For Averting Statewide Terror Streak

TRENTON – Senator Paul Sarlo and Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg today praised the work of investigators under Bergen County Prosecutor John Molinelli for preventing what could have become a statewide terror-spree by the suspects currently in custody for a string of synagogue bombings.

According to a report in today’s Record, investigators founds a marked copy of blueprints of a Camden County elementary school in the home of Aakash Dalal, who is accused of inciting another Bergen County man of undertaking the attacks. The blueprints allegedly had certain areas of the school circled, and had the words “Project Anarchy” written on them.

“At first, we thought Prosecutor Molinelli and his team had just put a stop to a localized terror spree, but now we see that his office may have just put the brakes on something much more sinister,” said Sarlo. “This case speaks to the need for law enforcement statewide to be in constant contact and communication. It should be a point of pride for Bergen County that our law enforcement team helped prevent families of Camden County from living in fear.”

“It is obvious that we are dealing with much worse than just a few isolated cases, but instead seeing what were the seeds of a statewide plot of terror and destruction,” said Weinberg. “Prosecutor Molinelli has done a tremendous service not just for residents in our county, but those at the other end of the state. His office’s ability to apprehend these suspects in such a timely manner is proving to be much bigger that we originally thought.”

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