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Senate Budget And Appropriations Committee To Hear From Dot, State Department, Judiciary And Public Advocate Wednesday

TRENTON � The Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee will reconvene on Wednesday, April 30, to discuss Governor Corzine�s proposed FY 2009 budget with representatives of the Department of Transportation (10 AM), the Department of State (1 PM), the Judiciary (2 PM), and the Department of the Public Advocate (3 PM) in Committee Room 4 of the State House Annex.

Senate Budget and Appropriations Panel Chair Senator Barbara Buono, D-Middlesex, said she expects the morning hearing with the Commissioner of Transportation to focus on Governor Corzine�s proposed fiscal restructuring plan, as well as replenishing the Transportation Trust Fund. Representatives of NJ Transit and the Motor Vehicle Commission will also be in attendance.

The hearing with the Secretary of State is expected to focus on funding for the Arts, and the State�s Cultural and Historical Trusts, Senator Buono said.

The Committee�s hearing with the Administrative Director of the Administrative Office of the Courts will focus on proposed salary increases for Supreme Court Justices and Superior Court Judges, as well as funding for drug courts, said Senator Buono.

The Committee�s final hearing of the day, with the Public Advocate, is expected to address eminent domain issues, and increasing polling place accessibility, Senator Buono said.


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