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Senator Girgenti: Reflections On September 11th

Senator John A Girgenti (D-Bergen and Passaic)

Senator John A. Girgenti (D-35) of Hawthorne released the following statement on the 10th Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks:

“On September 11th 2001, the American spirit was tried and tested in an unthinkable way. There was an attempt to divide the United States and destroy our way of life, and I wondered if our nation would be able to heal. I hoped that our nation could overcome the forces responsible for our suffering. I saw two of our most recognizable buildings – monuments to the American spirit and way of life – destroyed in an unjust act of violence. The lives of many of my constituents were senselessly and wrongfully taken from us, and many of our first responders sacrificed their lives in the service of their fellow Americans.”

“On September 11th 2011, the American spirit is reaffirmed, robust with determination. The United States continues to stand united, and our national identity continues to strengthen. Today, I know that our nation�s resolve in times of trial are ever-strong and that America�s humanity can overcome even the darkest forces of evil. I see Ground Zero in the process of resurrection; a reaffirmation of our American way of life. Those whose lives we lost – family members, friends, and neighbors – are not only never forgotten but solemnly remembered and honored. The rescue teams and first responders died not in vain; their selfless courage and sacrifice remains a shining example for every one of us.”

Girgenti, Chair of the Senate Law and Public Safety Committee, asks all citizens to remain vigilant in light of recent reports of credible threats that may disrupt the tenth anniversary of 9/11.

“Residents should report any suspicious activity to the proper authorities,” stated the Senator. �In this day and age, we all have a shared responsibility in keeping ourselves safe from those who wish our country harm. To that end, I would ask all citizens simply to keep a watchful eye on their surroundings throughout the weekend as they go forward with their planned activities for remembering September 11th.”

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