NEWARK – Senator Ronald L. Rice, Chairman of the Legislative Black Caucus, today said the 15-member delegation is determined to be “real participants in the legislative and administrative decision-making process” in the coming year.
Senator Rice on the need to improve the visibility of the Black Caucus. OC – “…with great, great needs.” Senator Rice on the need to improve the visibility of the Black Caucus. OC – “…with great, great needs.” (1:09)
Senator Rice on the new Caucus by-laws, and why its important to get out the Black Legislative Caucus agenda. OC – “…end of the process.” Senator Rice on the new Caucus by-laws, and why its important to get out the Black Legislative Caucus agenda. OC – “…end of the process.” (0:45)
Senator Rice on the changes in the Black Legislative Caucus this year. OC – “…as well as to the Caucus.” Senator Rice on the changes in the Black Legislative Caucus this year. OC – “…as well as to the Caucus.” (0:31)
Senator Rice on the new structure of the Black Legislative Caucus, and how it represents regional and gender diversity. OC – “…administrative decision-making process.” Senator Rice on the new structure of the Black Legislative Caucus, and how it represents regional and gender diversity. OC – “…administrative decision-making process.” (1:14)
Senator Rice on the general goals and priorities of the Black Legislative Caucus for 2004-2005. OC – “…moral obligation as well.” Senator Rice on the general goals and priorities of the Black Legislative Caucus for 2004-2005. OC – “…moral obligation as well.” (1:13)
Senator Rice in answer to a question from the Press about whether the Black Legislative Caucus has ever had an agenda as ambitious as the one for 2004-2005. OC – “…people in our districts.” Senator Rice in answer to a question from the Press about whether the Black Legislative Caucus has ever had an agenda as ambitious as the one for 2004-2005. OC – “…people in our districts.” (0:33)