Trenton – Legislation sponsored by Senate Community and Urban Affairs Chair Senator Troy Singleton and Senator Bob Andrzejczak, which would permit the inclusion of volunteer firefighters and other emergency responders into the small employer health benefits plan statutes, passed the Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee today.
“Currently, volunteer first responders are not included in the definition of eligible employees to receive health insurance benefits through small employer health plans,” said Senator Singleton (D-Burlington). “The bill seeks to resolve this conflict between provisions in the statutes by including volunteer fire fighters and emergency responders. Our volunteer first responders put their lives on the line for us each and every day, so this is one way we can thank them for their courageous service to us and our communities.”
“The aim of this bill is to help first responders receive health care coverage in their municipality and also fix existing conflicts in laws,” said Senator Andrzejczak (D-Atlantic/Burlington/Cape May). “This bill will help countless families receive the proper health care coverage they deserve.”
The bill, S-2371, would permit the inclusion of volunteer firefighters and other emergency responders within the municipal eligible employee group under the small employer health benefits plan statutes.
Under the bill, the definition of eligible employer in New Jersey Statutes regarding small employer health benefit plans would be revised to include members of a volunteer fire company or an incorporated volunteer first aid, emergency, rescue, or ambulance squad rendering service generally throughout a municipality.
The bill was released from committee by a vote of 5-0.