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Sweeney Congratulates Murphy, Oliver & Senate Democratic Candidates


TRENTON – Senate President Steve Sweeney issued the following statement congratulating Governor-elect Phil Murphy, Lieutenant Governor-elect Sheila Oliver and the Senate Democratic candidates for the hard fought campaigns that succeeded in putting Democrats in control of both houses of the Legislature and the Governor’s office, and in increasing the Democratic majority in the Senate.

“Congratulations to Phil Murphy and Sheila Oliver as New Jersey’s next governor and lieutenant governor,” said Senator Sweeney. “I look forward to working together to move New Jersey forward. We have serious challenges to confront but we also have the opportunity to take enormous strides on the issues of importance that have a real life impact on the lives of working families. With Democrats providing leadership in the executive branch as well as both houses of the Legislature, we can build upon the successful Democratic priorities with a more expansive Democratic agenda.

Senator Sweeney also congratulated Senator-elect Joe Cryan, Senator-elect Troy Singleton and Senator-elect Vin Gopal, and welcomed them to the Senate Democratic Team as the three newly-elected senators who will join the majority in January. The Senate Democrats increased their majority from 24-16 to 25-15 in the 40-seat chamber.

“The more Democrats we have elected to the Senate improves our ability to make real progress on significant issues,” said Senator Sweeney. “Joe Cryan, Troy Singleton and Vin Gopal have records of real accomplishment and I am confident in their ability to be accomplished members of the Senate Democratic team. New Jersey Democrats have the opportunity to show how a Democratic agenda can succeed in addressing the needs of working families and improve future opportunities for succeeding generations.”

Senator Sweeney also praised the Democratic candidates who competed for office but did not win election.

“Each and every Democratic candidate who competed for office made an important contribution to the political process by getting engaged on the issues of importance to Democrats,” said Senator Sweeney. “I want to thank them for their hard work and encourage them to remain active.”