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Sweeney & Oliver: In Governor’s Plan To Lure Illinois Businesses, ‘Back To Work Nj’ Should Be The Red Carpet

Legislative Leaders Urge Governor�s Action On �Back to Work NJ� Bills

TRENTON – Senate President Stephen M. Sweeney and Assembly Speaker Sheila Y. Oliver today said that while they appreciate Governor Christie’s effort to attract Illinois businesses to the state, he could enhance New Jersey’s business climate immediately and make his sales pitch stronger simply by signing the Legislature’s “Back to Work NJ” job creation and economic development package.

“Businesses in Illinois are going to want to see that New Jersey is as good for business as the Governor is saying it is, and signing the 30 bills on his desk would send the strongest signal possible that we’re ready, willing and able to be their new home,” said Sweeney (D-Gloucester/Cumberland/Salem). “There should not be a race to see who can make New Jersey more business-friendly first. When it comes to improving our economy, we’re all in this together.”

“I’m glad the Governor finally realizes that to create jobs and revive the economy, an investment must be made,” said Oliver (D-Essex). “However, rather than spending money up front on a self-adulating ad campaign that doesn’t necessarily guarantee returns, and can easily be accomplished behind the scenes, the Governor should sign the Legislature’s “Back to Work NJ” job package. Many of the bills in our package would only require spending in the form of tax credits when actual jobs are created and sustained. That is an investment taxpayers, particularly those struggling to find work, would surely prefer over a campaign that promotes the governor’s image.”

The Legislature passed a landmark “Back to Work NJ” bill package during two legislative voting sessions held on Jan. 6 and Jan. 10. The bills are designed to create jobs and jumpstart economic development throughout the state. They are currently awaiting the Governor’s signature.

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