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Sweeney On Governor’s Pla Veto: This Will Cost The People Of New Jersey Jobs

TRENTON – Senate President Steve Sweeney issued the following statement today regarding the governor’s veto of legislation, S2425, that would have expanded project labor agreements in New Jersey:

“The governor’s veto is disappointing because it would have meant work for thousands of New Jersey residents. At a time when the unemployment rate in New Jersey is among the highest in the country, this was really a common sense measure that would have created jobs right here.

“This administration continues to see no problem with the recovery effort being led by out-of-state companies employing people not from New Jersey. It simply lacks sense to not try and have as many people as possible from this state employed in rebuilding it. Instead, while companies like AshBritt continue to reap the benefits of the storm, middle class families in New Jersey will continue to reap the burden.”

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