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Sweeney On Unemployment Rate: Nothing Has Changed Governor

TRENTON – Senate President Steve Sweeney issued the following statement today regarding New Jersey’s unemployment rate remaining essentially unchanged:

“We are no doubt going to hear glowing reviews from the administration on these latest figures of failure. The truth remains: three years later and New Jersey’s unemployed are no better off under this governor.

“Enough is enough already. When is the governor going to come up with any kind of plan to put people in this state back to work? While he is busy erasing blackboards and acting like none of this is happening, people in this state are suffering under decade’s high unemployment. They can’t keep their homes. They can’t find access to affordable healthcare.

“The Legislature has and will continue to move forward on measures to create jobs in New Jersey. It would be nice to have a partner in the governor’s office willing to do the same.”

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