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Sweeney Statement On Governor’s Agreement To Nominate Anne Patterson For Rivera-Soto Seat

TRENTON – Senate President Steve Sweeney (D-Gloucester/Cumberland/Salem) today released the following statement after joining with Governor Christie to announce a compromise where Anne Patterson will be nominated to the New Jersey Supreme Court for the seat soon to be vacated by Justice Roberto Rivera-Soto:

“I thank the governor for agreeing to the compromise that I had proposed in January. The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold hearings for Anne Patterson later this month.

“I expect a thorough examination of Ms. Patterson’s background and qualifications to serve on our state’s highest court. I also expect a lengthy discussion on the importance of diversity on our Court. With two seats to fill in March 2012, I urge the governor to ensure the Court’s makeup mirrors our state’s diversity.

“My concerns have always been for the integrity of our independent judiciary and for a Court that has the informed minds it needs to independently provide equal protection under the law for all residents. New Jersey’s Supreme Court has a well-earned reputation for reasoned impartiality. I will always stand prepared to ensure that reputation remains in place.”

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