
15 Dec: Madden Measure to Help Prevent School Violence Recieves Final Legislative Approval

TRENTON – A measure sponsored by Senator Fred H. Madden that would provide training for safe schools resource officers and public school employees serving as liaisons to law enforcement received final legislative approval today in the Senate by a vote of 38-0.

“In emergency situations, school resource officers and teachers serve as the first line of defense for the safety of our children,” said Senator Madden, D-Camden and Gloucester. “These teachers and officers should receive the best and most comprehensive safety-training possible so that, should a dangerous or violent situation arise, they are prepared to step in and protect their students.”

05 May: Madden Measure Would Work To Help Further Reduce School Violence

TRENTON – A measure sponsored by Senator Fred H. Madden that would provide training for safe schools resource officers and public school employees serving as liaisons to law enforcement has been approved by the Senate Education Committee.

“According to State Education officials, violence has decreased in our schools in recent years,” said Senator Madden, D-Camden and Gloucester. “This decrease can be partly attributed to the presence of safe school officers and police presence in or near our schools. By providing additional training, these officers will be able to help further reduce violence and help make schools safer for our children.”