
13 Jun: Whelan Bill To Eliminate Barrier To Property Tax Relief For Veterans Advances

TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senator Jim Whelan which would change current law to ensure that eligible veterans who purchase a new home after October 1 can receive the veteran’s property tax deduction for which they are entitled on their new home was unanimously approved by the Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee today.

“The timing of a home sale shouldn’t preclude an eligible veteran from receiving property tax relief to which they’d otherwise be entitled,” said Senator Whelan, D-Atlantic. “Certainly, when New Jersey first introduced a veteran’s property tax deduction in the 1960s, it might have taken more time to process home sales in the system. But in today’s electronic age, there is simply no reason to delay shifting the veteran’s property tax deduction from one property to another, and we ought to allow people to collect all the property tax relief to which they’re entitled, particularly if that relief is earned in service to their nation.”