
Senator Linda Greenstein, D-Middlesex and Mercer, on the floor of the State Senate.

29 Jun: Greenstein Hails Democratic Budget As ‘Fair And Honest’ For Working Families And Seniors

TRENTON – Senator Linda Greenstein (D-Middlesex/Mercer) today released the following statement on the passage of the Democratic FY2012 budget plan and separate legislation to fully fund the state’s constitutional school funding formula through a surcharge on incomes over $1 million:

“After a year in which seemingly every promise made to our working families and seniors was broken, Democrats today stood together to reset our state’s priorities. After a year in which the very wealthiest residents were spared from any of the governor’s much-ballyhooed ‘shared sacrifice,’ Democrats today stood together to say that everyone must pitch in to correct the problems the face our state.

07 Jan: Buono Statement On Passage Of School Funding Formula

TRENTON – Senator Barbara Buono, sponsor of S-4000, the bill that would implement the Governor’s proposed new funding formula, today praised the bipartisan compromise that lead to the bill’s passage through the Senate by a vote of 21-8.

“Today, members of both parties came together on a bipartisan basis to adopt a school funding formula that is fair to every New Jersey student and looks to make sure that every child in our State receives a quality education, regardless of where they live,” said Senator Buono.