Neglected School Finally Part of State’s Plan
TRENTON – Senator Shirley K. Turner today released the following statement upon learning that Trenton Central High School was among 20 construction and renovation projects green-lighted by the Schools Development Authority:
“The condition of Trenton Central High has created an environment that has become an impediment to learning in its most basic sense. Students simply cannot learn in a facility in which they don’t even feel safe.
“Finally, the state has heard Trenton’s students and families, and is prepared to do something. But we need to get busy now. Every day that goes by without corrective action to stop the deterioration is a day that we risk losing another student who looks at their school’s condition as a sign of where they stand in the eyes of society.
“Trenton’s students deserve a 21st Century education, but they can’t get it until their school building reflects the 21st Century, as well.”