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Turner: Governor’s Kickoff Must Lead To A Score

TRENTON – Senator Shirley K. Turner today praised Governor Corzine’s address to the Legislature for providing an “excellent kickoff” to finding property tax relief and reform.

But the Mercer County Democrat said it is now up to the Legislature to produce results.

“We’ve got to bring the ball down the field now and make sure we score,” Senator Turner said. “Property tax relief and reform are the only acceptable results of our efforts because our people are rightfully out of patience.”

Senator Turner said it is still “absolutely essential” that we cut waste and inefficiencies out of all levels of government before enacting any long-term reforms.

“It was heartening to hear Governor Corzine endorse some of the proposals I have been promoting for some time like consolidating elections and sharing government services to save money,” Senator Turner said. “But if his support and the bipartisan work of the Legislature can transform these proposals into realities, I’ll gladly share credit.”

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